[MoEd] Kontrata e trajnimit : a eshte per ju ? (SQ/EN)

Day 2,435, 10:17 Published in Albania Greece by Kravenn

Përkthimi u mundësua nga: Endritt Zekka

Pershendetje shqiptar te nderuar,

Sot, vendosa te flas per kontratat e trajnimit.Tani eshte paksa e veshtire te publikoj artikullin ne kohen e duhur. Pse? sepse jo te gjithe lojtareve u del oferta ne te njejten kohe.Qe do te thote se une mund te kem oferten sot,ndersa ti pas 3 ditesh(kur e imja ka skaduar).

Para se te fillojme:ju keni nje kontrate trajnimi,mund te nenshkruani edhe nje tjeter.Nese keni pasur nje 90% dhe nenshkruani edhe nje tjeter 90% : 720 ore do te shtohen ne kontraten aktuale.
Nese keni nje kontrate 50% dhe nenshkruani nje 90%:do e perfundoni te paren dhe vetem pasi te kete perfunduar ajo do mund te filloni 90%.

Ndodh shpesh qe disa e blejne kontraten edhe kur nuk eshte e dobishme per ta,dhe te tjere preferojne ta blejne ate edhe pse do mund te kursenin disa gold duke mos bere diqka te tille.

fotoja e famshme

Dhe kur e klikoni ate do shihni diqka te ketille:

Cfare do te thote kjo?

Epo,per 25G : ne 720 oret e ardhshme do te kurseni 50% te shpenzimeve tuaja ne qendrat e stervitjes
per 53G : ne 720 oret e ardhshme do te kurseni 90% te shpenzimeve tuaja ne qendrat e stervitjes

A eshte e dobishme ?

Per disa lojtar: PO,per te tjeret: JO.Por pyetja me e mire eshte:a eshte e dobishme per ju?

Kjo eshte arsyeja pse e bera kete tabele per t’iu ndihmuar juve:

Eshte kostoja e te ushtruarit per dite per 30 ditet ne vijim(aka 720 ore)

Kur katrori eshte i verdhe,do te thote se eshte oferta me e mire per ju.

Mbajeni ne mend se:une morra ne konsiderate vetem shpenzimet(qe nuk ndryshon per dallim nga cilesia e qendrave tuaja te trajnimit.Eshte e qarte se:sa me i larte qe te jete kualiteti i qendres se trajnimit;me shpejt do te merrni medaljen “ushtar i fuqishem” dhe me i madh do jete rikthimi i goldeve ne 30 dite. Eshte mese e qarte se do te merrni me shume medalje “ushtar i fuqishem” nese keni te gjitha qendrat e stervitjes te kualitetit 4 sesa te kualitetit 2.

Shembull :nese i perdorni te gjitha qendrat e stervitjes dhe ato nuk jane te permiresuara:do te ju kushtoj 71.52 Gold cdo 30 dite(pa kontrate)
Tani rasti i njejte,por te njejtat qendra te stervitjes tani jane te kualitetit 4:do ju kushtoj 31.04 Gold cdo 30 dite(pa kontrate).

Epo,me te gjitha qendrat e stervitjes te kualitetit 4 + kontrate 90%: do ju kushtoj 6.53 Gold cdo 30 dite(duke marre parasysh medaljet “ushtar i fuqishem”).Qe do te thote se ju nevojitet vetem edhe nje medalje “punetor i zellshem” ne muaj qe te mos dilni ne humbje.

Deshironi ta dini saktesisht sa do ju kushtoj per 30 ditet e ardhshme?
Kjo webfaqe eshte per ju: http://tools.narrenturm.eu/trainingCalculator.php

Kjo ishte e gjitha per sot

Minister i Edukimit

Hello my dear Albanians,

Today, I decided to talk about training contracts. It's now a bit harder to publish the article on the good moment. Why ? because all players don't receive proposal on the same time. Which means that I can have the proposal today and you can have it in 3 days (when mine disappear).

Before beginning : you have a training contract, you can sign a new one. If you had a 90% one and sign another one at 90% : 720 hours will be added to current one.
If you have a 50% one and sign a 90% one : you finish your current one and only after that one is over, the 90% one will begin.

Like often : I think that some are buying one when it isn’t useful for them, and some prefers to not buy one when they could save some Gold.

The famous banner

And when you click on it : you see that

What does it mean ?

Well, for 25G : during the following 720 hours, you will save 50% of your spendings on training grounds
For 53G : during the following 720 hours, you will save 90% of your spendings on training grounds.

Does it useful for you ?

For some people : YES. For others : NO. But the good question is more : does it useful for you ?

That’s why I made a tab to help you.

it is cost for training daily during the next 30 days (aka 720 hours)

When the square is in yellow, it means that it is best offer for you.

Keep in mind that I only considered spendings (who didn’t change unlike quality of your training grounds). It is obvious that higher the quality of your training grounds : faster you will gain a super soldier medal and higher will be your refund in 30 days. It's obvious that you will receive more supersoldier medals if you have all your training grounds on Quality 4 than in Quality 2

By example : if you use all your training grounds and they aren’t upgraded : it will cost you 71.52G every 30 days (without contract)
Now same case, but the same training grounds are now in Q4 : it will cost you 31.02G every 30 days (without contract).

Well, with every training grounds in Q4 + a 90% contract : it will cost you 6.53G every 30 days (it is after profits from super soldiers medals). It means that you only need to gain a Hardworker and gain a level per month.

You want to exactly know how much it will cost you for the next 30 days ?
This website is for you: http://tools.narrenturm.eu/trainingCalculator.php

That’s all for today

See ya,
Minister of Education