[ĀM] Intervija ar Krievijas nimnul

Day 2,440, 12:24 Published in Latvia Latvia by Arlietu ministrija

Sveiki, eLatvieši!

Mūsu reģionā bez lieliem kariem neiztikt nekad, pēc vakardienas negaidītajiem pavērsieniem, kad Argentīna pasludināja Krieviju, mūsu sabiedrotos par Natural Enemy. Krievija ilgi negaidīja un atbildēja ar to pašu NE. Patreiz notiek sīva kauja starp abām valstīm North Caucasus reģionā. Aktīvi piedalās abu alianšu sabiedrotie, ir pieejami arī CO, tādēļ nekautrējamies un atbalstām savus sabiedrotos. Tas ietekmē arī mūs, tādēļ palīdzam cik varam. 🙂

Polija arī negaida uzaicinājumu un piesaka Argentīnu kā NE. Būs interesanti notikumi tuvākajās dienās netālu no mūsu robežām, sekojam aktīvi līdzi norādēm.

Karš ar belašiju iet turp un atpakaļ, vairogi dara savu darbu, sabiedrotie glābj cik vien var belašiju par CO. Ar laiku mēs viņus pārspiedīsim, jo mūsu valsts dara krietni lielāku bojājumu, turklāt belašija nespēj pavilkt tik daudz MPP(kā jau tas ir tagad redzams) un visu laiku tērēt naudas līdzekļus, kuru viņiem tā nav un vienmēr no mistiskām vietām atrod. Turpinām iesākto un kārš ir vajadzīgs, vismaz ir ko darīt. 🙂

nimnul ir viens no aktīvākajiem spēlētājiem Krievijā, patreiz atrodas Ārlietu Ministra postenī. Jūlijā nimnuls tika ievēlēts par alianses līderi un tieši viņš bija tas Krievijas spēlētājs kurš mūs pieņēma aliansē.

1. What should people know about Pacifica?

Pacifica was initially founded as an alliance of two countries - Russia and USA - who have a long history of cooperation and who have a similar approach to the world politics. We stand for our right to pursue our own policy instead of one imposed by the global alliances. We stand for our territorial integrity and for the right to choose allies who share the same principles and values. In contrast to those who choose allies only for their power (so called "damagehood")

2. Your opinion how alliance will change after Latvia joined in?

Our alliance is just created so I believe we shouldn't carry out any fundamental changes. The main changes would be organizational because now we have three members instead of two.

3. How do you see Latvia in Pacifica?

We are happy to see Latvia as a new member of our alliance. Frankly speaking we were not thinking about alliance expansion when it was created. So the Latvian application was a surprise (at least for me). But it's a pleasant surprise because it shows that not only founding members but other countries of the world share our principles and are ready to cooperate with us to achieve them.

4. When you hear name Latvia, what comes in mind first ingame and RL?

I am playing this game for more than 5 years already so I remember the history of our ingame relations well. We were good allies in the times of PEACE GC and Phoenix until Latvia decided to leave it. Then we were adversaries for a relatively long period and fought several fierce wars. Nevertheless last months our relations were rather neutral-friendly. Hope now they will become friendly for the mutual benefit of our countries

As for RL - I have been to Latvia several times - Riga, Jurmala, Liepaja. It was long ago but still I've got a vivid impression of your country.

5. Now when house companies are added to the game, how do you feel about them and will they affect our alliance?

Game community is demanding a new real economy for the long time already. But admins either don't notice it or come out with half-measures. That's the example of the latter. I think new industry will make goldbuyers to spend more and that is the main result and the main goal of the admins.
As for the global politics, new industry means new resourses - so the number of weapon or food resourse regions has been redused. This will result in strengthening the fight for the remaining.

6. Thanks you for your time, any closing words you want to say?

Remember it's just a game. In spite of political confrontation in RL common people who play the game can still build friendly relations and have fun.

Thanks you nimnul for your time. 🙂

Pacifica! o7