[Irule4CP] Foreign Affairs

Day 1,837, 19:55 Published in Australia USA by irule777

Irule777 for Country President of Australia (Foreign Affairs)

Foreign affairs is an important and hot topic for this election. This term our allies supplied to us more damage then in a long time and through careful coordination and hard work we’ve managed to build a lasting and working bond with them.

Personally through my work with our allies, including long meetings, discussions, and hours of supplying fighters in #brostralia. I couldn’t be more pleased with some of the help our allies provide for us. Just the other day, supplying seven, almost eight hours of the Australian vs Chile battles I watched as Argentina's, Romanian’s, American’s and more flooded our channels to help exactly when we needed it. And I could always rely on having the ability to go into their channels and ask for certain divisions precisely when it was do or die time. And every time I did, they would come through.

Throughout that entire day and this entire term we’ve had constant support from our allies. During our battles with Chile it would often be the case that Canada, Romania, and America would set us as their daily orders as well as many other nations. Argentina was even supplying certain divisions for us during our long and hard fought battles. And in the end we prevailed and showed them what our 10 MPP partners were really capable of. And to me, that’s wonderful.

Throughout last term we worked with advocates and debated a lot about our foreign policy and which side we should go with. Me personally, I think it’s clear I’m a bit more Pro USA and friends. But does that mean that’s exactly what we’re going to be? No. First off, it never hurts to be closer to your neighbors, especially when they outsize you like Indonesia and Chile. But as President/PM I want to make it clear that I WILL go with the path that provides us with more security, support, and that the general population of Australia supports.

To me, foreign policy is very important now that we’re on the edge of going this way or that. But it’s not what’s really been our problem during our war. To me our fearless allies have stood by us and supported us more than we could’ve possibly asked for and to me, that’s a good thing that should be kept. But I want you all to know, that if it becomes apparent that CoT or something else is more beneficial for us and more of you support it. Then I’ll be right there with you. This term is about picking a strong path and sticking to it. And I’m the right guy to guide us down that road.

Vote Irule777 for Prime Minister of Australia