[Irule4CP] Final

Day 1,841, 13:06 Published in Australia USA by irule777

Irule777 for Country President

This month my campaign has taken you through my various Defence, Foreign, and internal policies regarding the issues facing our nation and this election. This has by far been one of the most... interesting... elections Australia has had in awhile. Be it rogue PP’s, some nice last minute addition candidates, or PTO’ers slipping on whenever they can with more Multies, it’s surely kept us all on our feet.


With some big international moves in the last few days I really wanted to highlight some of my new foreign positions. The United States and Brazil, two big allies for us, have both made big moves and MPPed Chile and are currently moving closer and closer to CoT and the possibility of joining it. To me, this is an opportunity for change and benefit in our nation.

I can assure you the US did coordinate with us about this move and inform us of it, and though we haven’t said what we’re going to do, if we wanted to come over, a negotiation to end the war with Chile is more than possible (and has been hinted at from both sides). To me, this is a possibility to end a war, stick with the United States and Brazil, and become allies with all our neighbors that give us normal monthly trouble. Some people are hesistant given our pasts, but you must remember, these are the same people who’ve been trying to slowly move us over to them for months (Indonesia has hinted at an alliance, Chile has attempted to propose ends to this). So it’s a workable situation, especially with the US’s influence right on our side.

So me personally, I’m Pro moving with the United States on this in a direction that could benefit us in many many ways and give us a good stack of allies that keeps us out of trouble and provides support when we need it. Of course we’ll analyze other nations positions like China and the Senate and you the people will weigh in, but I think this is a good opportunity for us in the coming months and opens many more doors.

Campaign Trail

My Announcement Article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/irule777-for-cp-2164790/1/20
My Defence Article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-irule4cp-defence-2166683/1/20
My Outdated FA Article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-irule4cp-foreign-affairs-2167232/1/20
My Cabinet Article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-irule4cp-cabinet1-2168001/1/20

Minor cabinet change, Witherd1 has resigned as IG and asked to hop on my campaign so he will be my second Deputy Country President. This is a fantastic addition in my opinion as Witherd is active, hardworking, and very experienced. I look forward to working with him.


Overall I think I’ve run a good and informative campaign and look forward to a fun election tomorrow, win or lose. I thank everyone for a great month, a great time, and wish my opponents best of luck.

We have a long month ahead and I hope whoever you vote for tomorrow is the right person to handle it.

Vote Irule777 for Country President of Australia on December 5th