[IndiaUnited] Your vote on India United

Day 1,923, 19:26 Published in India India by GouthamKrishnan

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER WEBSITE : http://themoment.co.nr/

Hello mighty eIndians

The congress elections are near and so get ready to press the vote button. With lots of new and old members contesting for congress, I am eagerly waiting to see who will be the congressmen this time.

I request all the members out there to spend their vote on the party 'India United'. Its your wish to vote on any party but I am sure your vote wont be wasted if its on India United. We the India United has given guidance to many new members and now we are giving them chance to become Congressman. So I am sure if your vote is on us, it will bring more new members into congress.

Good Luck for all the members who are contesting and congrats for members who are gonna become congressman soon. And for the members who are contesting please don't beg or force someone to vote for your party. Just request them and make them aware that if they spend their vote for you, it wont be wasted.And yourself after becoming a congressman, please make sure to use the powers of it in good ways which will bring goodness for our nation and its citizens.

And again I am requesting you to vote for 'India United' o7

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