Day 2,271, 16:02 Published in Ireland Serbia by Free Area

Our taxes are like this

We have to raise import tax to 99% and set both VAT rates to 5-9% in order to grow Irish economy. I highly encourage irish citizens with some extra gold to invest in food/weapons raw and product companies in order to make our own closed market.

Dear Irish readers,

I want to say hello to you, and introduce myself and my plan. I am Free Area, ex serbian citizen and I came here to help your country. I want it to be a better place and I consider it my new homeland. I needed a brand new start so here I go.

The first day I came here,as I promised before, I opened q6 factory in goal to help your citizen find a well paid job. But... there is one big problem that we have here. Irish market/job market is almost dead. We MUST revive it to help Irish economy and when our money stays in our country, when our people pay tax to our treasure, Ireland will grow stronger and become more powerful because it has more money to pay army and other programs and everyday needs.

So job of every citizen will be from now on (if you agree with my action) firstly to put on the market place Q6 and Q7 wep and to be more similar prices as the bigger markets, I want to encourage you all who have bigger amount of currency, to buy cheap Q6 and Q7 weps and to set on our own market the same price (add tax only without profit) and in that way our citizen will not move to buy wep's on foreign market, and to use our own market for Q7 for battles and to use our market when you building rockets as well.

So let's start this action: BUY DOMESTIC/SELL DOMESTIC!
It's time today not to look for personal profit that much, it will come soon enough when our market becomes more visited.

I hope this will get to you all, and let's try to revive our economy or we will be faced in the future to raise our own taxes in order to our country survive!

Truly yours,
Free Area