[GOV]World at War - Episode 5

Day 1,090, 12:31 Published in Canada Romania by BogdanFV

Damn so here we go again another day of bloody battles all over the world.

As the world in Spain finally came to a still once the Spaniards recovered all of their continental lands, the war in Germany seems to also go into full reserve. Only one battle today as super-power Poland attacked the British occupied region of Lower Saxony and Bremen.

As I see it now the war in these parts can develop into four ways:
1) EDEN continues to attack UK until they land their troops on British home soil.
2) EDEN ignores UK and continues to after Germany until they are wiped off the map.
3) Both options above, EDEN pursues a war with both countries at the same time with dual attacks: Poland and Canada on UK, Sweden and Italy on Germany.
4) None of the above, the war simply dies out and a fragile truce is reached in this troubled corner of the new world.

Moving forward to a region that saw a lot of hostility and a lot of heroes yesterday we see EDEN continuing their march through Hungarian original teritories.

With the fail attack on Budapest (Central Hungary) from Croatia yesterday the Hungarians thought that their big problems where over. They had only one battle to secure, the one in Western Transdanubia and with an attack launched on Croatia they thought they where out of the woods.. EDEN wasn't going to let this war die out once again and Romanians launched another assault on Central Hungary, as this region is probably the most important region the Hungarians hold with most of their companies and citizens located in here it is a battle of maximum importance for both EDEN and Phoenix. The Hungarians tried to do whatever they could to split the Romanians damage opening 3 Resistance Wars: Northern Hungary, Northern great Plain and Volga but at the moment EDEN is winning the battle and with night falling into Europe it looks that the Hungarians won't have a capital tomorrow morning.

Moving onto the scenes of the world we find another zone that had an increase of activity recently. With the USA attack on Indonesian home soil, the Phoenix giant is for the first time in it's history feeling the knife into their bones.

As USA conquered Sumatra yesterday they only saw fitting to continue the war and push Phoenix even further into their own regions by attacking one of the biggest Indonesian provinces (Java). The Indonesians where not going to let Java fall without a fair fight so they reacted by opening several resistance wars throughout the American Empire. Regions like Sumatra or Southern Thailand are now the battle-ground for fierce resistances and at the moment it's looking like Indonesia could turn this war into their favor.

I think that is all for today, hope I will post another one tomorrow!