[GGP] CP Endorsement - Election Results

Day 1,870, 00:51 Published in Australia Australia by Mr Crumpets

Good evening Green and Gold Party members,

Over the last 24 hours our party held an in-forum election on who the GGP should give endorsement to for the Country President election on January 5th.

There were two candidates... witherd1 of the ACP and Xavier Griffith of the ARP.

One quarter of party membership (9 out of 37) took the time the vote for one of these candidates.

The final result was...

Xavier Griffith - 6 votes
witherd1 - 3 votes

With that, as Party President of the Green and Gold Party, I congratulate and endorse Xavier Griffith in his campaign to become Country President (Prime Minister) of Australia for January 2013.

Mr Crumpets
GGP Founder and Party President