Day 4,458, 20:08 Published in USA USA by Cthulhu..


Let me share some of my thoughts on how this month can look.

One of the questions that keeps coming up, and rightly so is that I used to be all about eSerbia. Back in the day, when I thought CTRL was a good idea, had merit, and a legitimate chance for success; I really hoped the eUSA could be free from the wars in the Balkans. And for a while, it appeared we might be able to, with the assistance of a number of other strong nations that also wished to move the center of the game out of there. But, let's face it, in the long run erepublik is and always will be focused on the Balkans and Europe. So, I considered the possibility of a friendship between the eUSA and eSerbia. After testing the waters multiple times, and discussing the possibilities of a relationship with eSerbia with RL Serbians; I realized that there was no way we could ever feasibly unite for the sake of gaming the crap out of erepublik.

This coupled with the numerous alliance changes since then, leads us to the reality that we either ally ourselves with eCroatia or eSerbia. The Serbians don't want to be our friends, that's ok. Their loss. We have taken up with our oldest allies, from the EDEN/TERRA days when the eUSA was first wiped and we fought back against ONE. With our friends we managed to wipe every single member of the ONE alliance. And now, with the shifting that has taken place, the eUSA needs to stand once and for all with our long-time allies. There can be no wavering of committment. We must protect our CODE allies at all costs. Therefore, I propose that we take the fight to their cores.

You see all that red crap. Yeah, we gonna eat that up with our hands. No marching across from the east or the west. We gonna dive right into the thicc of it, and start eating. It reminds me of bacon. Let's eat some f***ing bacon, ya'll.

Does this mean all other activity will cease? Of course not, We will coordinate with CODE to ensure that all activities work toward the same goal. After we eat some bacon, we'll sit down for the main course of Purplegaria, and Eggshellmania. We will wipe each and every one of you, as we pull together and focus all activity for the next several months. We don't expect to achieve all of our goals in one month, but don't worry; we got time. The CORONAVIRUS ain't getting hot in the US for a couple more months. We got this. Come at us. We've had our wipe-cherry popped multiple times. We ready to hit it raw.

And don't worry, in all of this we will not forget what makes the eUSA great, its' citizens. We already have a number of programs that can help, aid, and assist our population. All of our efforts both abroad and domestic will encourage the citizens to flourish.

Remember THIS? Yeah, we'll be putting out some new content on a regular basis. Part of your job as PotUS is to not F*** up things that work. We need your feedback to know what is and what is NOT working. Congress sets aside money each month to spend on our programs. Do we need to adjust how we are spending that money? Should we implement a new program, reboot and old one, or not touch a thing? Let us know. We need to engage and encourage all players to ensure the success of the eUSA.

I encourage everyone to stop by the FORUMS and check out everything that is already at your fingertips. You can see how the budget allocates money. You can suggest [discussions] in the Public Congressional section of the forums. Take a moment to make your voice heard.

Let's have some fun, be successful, and enjoy playing the game. For me it's been a while since I was highly active, and I'm looking forward to jumping back in with both feet. Are you as invested as you can be in erepublik? What would you like to see change? I would like to see all of us enjoy playing the game. And if we can make some enemies cry at the same time, win-win.

Fill it up: Energy Contributions

My name is CTHULHU and I would like to be your President.


Join me on DISCORD.

"I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion."

- Alexander the Great