[FIST] Around the World Vol II [FIST]

Day 4,824, 05:49 Published in USA USA by Cthulhu..

[FIST] Around the World, Vol II [FIST]

Hello to everyone in the eWorld. Let's see where we are going this week. I hope you are all doing well during this pandemic. Have you received your vaccination(s) yet? Has your work or school life returned to 'normal'? Take care and stay safe out there in TV land.


Pictured Tourbillon Castle

Farming settlements go back as far as 5300 BC in the Swiss Confederation. Tribal activity varied on the Swiss plateau, as tribes migrated to avoid outside influences such as the Germanic Tribes. Wholely conquered and integrated by the Roman Empire, the Swiss Confederation enjoyed an age of prosperity for a couple of centuries. Raids eventually plagued the plateau again until the Franks dominated its landscape for centuries. It was divided by the Treat of Verdun and then unified under the Holy Roman Empire.

When the Old Swiss Confederacy was established, the cantons gradually unified and enjoyed a "heroic" epoch. This ended roughly with the Swiss defeat in the Battle of Marignano. The cantons roughly feuded and suffered from financial crises for several decades. France invaded and occupied Swizterland until Russian and Austrian forces invaded. The Swiss refused to fight with the French, eventually re-establishing their independence under the Congress of Vienna and her neutrality was also officially recognized. The Swiss drew up a new constitution, which has been revised over the years.

How does eSwitzerland's real life politics come into play in erepublik? The best I can tell, they have managed to remain neutral in most eWorld conflicts. I would like to know a bit more about Nebula and how well it's been working out for the members.

Today, we do have some notes from a contributer, lviz Fer. Let's hear his report:

eSwitzerland is in a good moment, thanks to the effort and dedication of a great united community that contributes its help in different matters such as political, economic and/or military.

It maintains bilateral relations with many countries and excellent communication with them. This is thanks to the constant work of many swiss politicians to establish contact with authorities in other countries.

During the last Resource War, Switzerland was able to obtain a good performance obtaining resources that are being used to give in concessions to other countries and also access a 100% bonus in food production.

Currently, our relationship with the countries that we maintain contact with is stable and enjoyable, the training wars continue without any inconvenience and we have a good base of active players and in slow but steady growth, something good for a historically small but very united, friendly and prosperous country.

We take the opportunity to invite any player who is interested to come to our beloved Switzerland to join our family and share good times!


Pictured Positano

Modern humans appeared in Italy 40,000 years ago at Riparo Mochi. Ancient peoples populated regions until the first foreign colonizers, the Phoenicians, established colonies on the coasts of Sicily and Sardina. Mycenaean Greeks established contacts with Italy and colonies that brought democratic government, art, and other forms of cultural expressions.

The story of Italy can be largely considered to be the story of Rome. From the legend of its founding by Romulus to the history of the Senate and the People (SPQR), we could spend countless hours on the history of Rome. The Roman Empire was among the most powerful economic, cultural, political and military forces in the world of its time, and it was one of the largest empires in world history. At its height under Trajan, it covered 5 million square kilometres. The Roman legacy has deeply influenced the Western civilisation, shaping most of the modern world; among the many legacies of Roman dominance are the widespread use of the Romance languages derived from Latin, the numerical system, the modern Western alphabet and calendar, and the emergence of Christianity as a major world religion. In modern times, Italy was a founding member of the European Economic Community (EEC), which became the European Union (EU) in 1993.

eItaly is now a member of Asteria, and enjoys all of the benefits that come with being a full member of the alliance. I remember during the time of EDEN and TERRA when Italy was not a big player on the national stage. They seem to be a healthy country now, with a lot to offer Asteria and her allies.


Pictured The Parthenon

Greece, also known as Hellas, and officially the Hellenic Repubic is considered the cradle of Western civilization, being the birthplace of democracy, Western philosophy, Western literature, historiography, political science, major scientific and mathematical principles, Western drama and the Olympic Games. The Apidima Cave in Mani, in southern Greece, contains the oldest remains of anatomically modern humans outside of Africa, dated to 210,000 years ago.

On 28 October 1940, Italy demanded the surrender of Greece, but the Greek administration refused, and, in the following Greco-Italian War, Greece repelled Italian forces into Albania, giving the Allies their first victory over Axis forces on land. The Greek struggle and victory against the Italians received exuberant praise at the time. Most prominent is the quote attributed to Winston Churchill: "Hence we will not say that Greeks fight like heroes, but we will say that heroes fight like Greeks."

I have found that eGreece is a formidable ally and foe in the eWorld. During the Eden/Terra resistance against ONE, eGreece showed up consistently in battles accross the globe. As a former ambassador to eGreece, I was disappointed when many people quit playing erepublik. I was told that with the introduction of tokens, they would no longer being participating in the game at the highest level. I am hoping this is no longer the case, as eGreece has a lot to offer CODE and her allies. I have been informed that overall their firepower is still decent. The goal for eGreece, as for most of us, is not to dwell on the past; but to look forward and find enjoyment with friends in the game and make an effort to change the game for all of us.

The rich heritage of these nations is an asset to the world and eWorld alike. It's up to us as a community to remember that there are people behind every profile, stories and history behind every administration that can go back a decade now. I hope that everyone continues to enjoy the social interactions that are the cornerstone of erepublik.

Take care and stay safe out there everyone.


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"I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion."

- Alexander the Great