[FED PRESS]TB4CP Exclusive Interview with Tyler Bubblar

Day 2,479, 08:06 Published in USA USA by nick.bergman

Relax enjoy your coffee and enjoy this exclusive announcement of the FEDERALIST party.          
Arith sat down with our very own Tyler Bubblar to go over his campaign to become the eUSA's next CP.  
  It's time for another election cycle and we're asking, is this great man ready for his reign at the top?  Today we sit down with Tyler Bubblar of the Federalist Party and esteemed member of the Cool Kids Club.
    He is a valued member of the eUSA.  As a member of the party I have nothing but respect for him and the work he has done to benefit our great party and for this great country. He is a very active and experienced player currently serving as the Vice president of eUSA.  Without any  delay let’s begin the interview with Tyler Bubblar on his run for the hot seat.

TB-Tyler Bubblar
FPR-Fed Press

Welcome to the Fed Press Tyler lets begin.
FPR- What will be your plans if elected CP?

TB- The election is still a little ways off and I'm trying not to count my chickens before they hatch. That said I plan on adding a new Department, some new programs, getting more players working for the executive, and keeping the nation informed and entertained if I am elected.

FPR- What will be your domestic and foreign policy?

TB- For domestic we will make a strong push to get more staffers in the executive. Education and the Interior will continue to aim for getting more people involved. I want to expand the proven talent pool.  As for foreign policy the next few months I believe we're going to see a seismic shift in the MPP alignment of the world. We will work to best position our nation to not only weather this upcoming shift, but hopefully be better for it.

FPR-Do you have any plans to improve eUSA economy ?

TB- We’re kind of at Plato's mercy there. We enjoy high bonuses and will continue to do so. Taxes are at a near revenue neutral so we are ok for the moment.

FPR-Any plans to improve trade with other nations?

TB- Import taxes are already low. Again this is not an area we can do much without Plao's help.

FPR-Do you think your administration will be able to serve your fellow eAmericans well?

TB- I have full confidence in the individuals that I've selected and their ability to serve the country. A list of my cabinet can be found HERE

FPR- What do you believe are your strongest and weakest points during this campaign?

TB- I have the experience, name recognition, and confidence that I lacked in previous attempts. I've also built stronger relationships of trust and friendship outside my own party. This is a definite strength, but sadly experience has worn down some of the idealistic enthusiasm I once had.

FPR- What makes you the ideal candidate for ePOTUS?

TB- Honestly probably nothing. 😛 I have a good mix of experience. A decent track record of proven work. I get along pretty well with most of the various groups here in the eUSA. In some ways this campaign has been very surreal. I won't truly believe it until the votes are verified on the 6th later this week.

FPR-Can you complete the sentence Sticks and stones may break your bones but.........................?

TB-Whips and chains excite me!

FPR-Tell your fellow eAmericans about yourself and about your journey in erepublik?

TB-I am married and have 3 beautiful children. I have a couple of lab mix dogs. Nothing all that extraordinary about me. It's long enough ago that I don't really remember how I found erepublik. I started playing in July of 2009. We were in the process of getting near wiped by PEACE. I stopped playing in January or February of 2010. I didn't irc much, and though I served 3 terms in Congress for the now defunct AAP I wasn't really a player of much note. I had almost forgotten about this game until I was emailed about a gold mine. I logged in to check it out and I've been here ever since.

FPR-Thank you so much for your time and your commitment to us in the Federalist party and to everyone in the eUSA.

TB-Thanks for taking the time to interview me.
The battle for the next ePOTUS has begun and we will find out in a couple days who will ascend to this honored position.  So support your candidate and vote.
You can read more about Tyler Bubblar's plans at the links below.
Once More Unto the Breach
Building for the Future
Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune
A Game Changing Team(Cabinet)
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