[Fed PP] Swan Song

Day 2,278, 22:14 Published in USA USA by Tyler Bubblar

Tomorrow brings us Party President election day. With it my term draws to a close. I want to take a moment to reflect on this month, and go over what went well and what didn't go so well. I came into this month with a plan and a set of expectations.

My expectation going into this month was to put rekindled oldfags side by side with promising up and comers, and guide them in forming a glorious synergistic partnership. Unfortunately it didn't work out that way. However, some of those promising up and comers were plugged in, and for the most part they excelled on their own. While things didn't pan out in that area the way I wanted originally I'm very happy with the results achieved with plan B.

The plan this month was to serve as a bridge to the next generation of leadership in the Federalist Party. I assembled a cabinet replete with the up and coming players I made reference to earlier. Over the course of the month I put increasing responsibility on them to step up and lead. Again on the whole I'm pleased with the results. The future is very bright in the Federalist Party.

The rest of my plan revolved around increasing activity. Tanks were handed out for joining us in the Fed forums, joining, us on irc, applying for a Fed job, finishing the week as a top poster, and publishing articles. A direct personal messaging campaign was also utilized to get the word out on the tanks for activity program. Things aren't moving as fast as I had envisioned, but after a tough couple of months things are trending in a positive direction.

I have now served 3 terms as Party President of the Federalists. My terms have been all about increased fun and activity. In short butter. I want to thank the Party for entrusting me with so much. I made my return to this game less than a year ago, and quickly found a home with the Feds. It is my hope that we will provide the same opportunities for service and growth that I was given. Our next Party President will be Blondeninja. I have every confidence that things will continue to trend up under her direction. Stay P/H Feds! TB as PP is now concluded.