[ESO] put differences aside and work together

Day 1,770, 04:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Samoss The Great

Greetings and Salutations My fellow ecitizens of eUK and readers

Tough as it was to make an educated decision on whom to vote for in Tuesday's election,
Im here to remind the what the ESO has to offer and why you should VOTE ESO this comming election.
along with our core Beliefs that honours the intrinsic value of each individual,strong community,
and commitment to the eUK

Our candidate this term as follows the more percentage of votes that ESO gets
the better these fine candidates will do

Blue And Evil, RBSNA,Dose027, Samoss The Great, doomer95, Mirigellan,Tihi - Prletov drug,Lord Lewis Cromwell,
Alphabethis, Lord Reincarnate, CheetahCurtis, Huey George, Malaclypse the Younger, Betafoxtrot, Boer Charel,
Monsters and Men, hollenboer

These elections are important for us as ESO
because we are no longer a party that just talks about change,we have always been about change
but one that can actually deliver change now and in the future

They are important for everyone who believes in plural politics,
that people are better served when their leaders put their differences aside and work together,
for better, stronger progressive eUK

And they are important, above all else, because the country is at a crossroads.
These are some of the most uncertain economic times anyone can remember.
and dwedling numbers of ecitizens

It is in dark times that countries can turn in on themselves.
Fear can turn people against each other.

How we respond as a country will decide if we go into the future as an open,
confident and outward looking country or an insular, fearful and divided one.

But for the first time we are not watching from the sidelines as the country’s fate is played out.
ESO are right there at the heart of government and eUK. Making a difference to people’s lives.
Steering the country to a better future.

We belong in parliment with a large majority because we share the same values as the eUK people,
generosity, diversity, openness, community and fair play

Vote ESO

Hail eUK
Hail ESO