[ESO]Congress Candidate-Samoss

Day 1,797, 17:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Samoss The Great

Greetings and Salutations My fellow ecitizens of eUK and readers

With congressional Elections looming,
all prospected candidates are putting forward their manifesto, I thought I do the very same ,

I wont bore you with pictures or give you gimmicks to make you laugh
I start by saying Being a staunch liberal and a great believer in social justice, equality and Fair play along with community spirit makes Me and dare I say it euk (UK IRL) so Great

I have believed always that the welfare and well-being of the people should come first, meaning that everybody gets a fair Chance, treated equally fairly and without biased
We need to focus on the prosperity and Self improvement our fellow ectitens , that means not getting bogged down partisan politics, and help
each develop stronger and faster , we may be small in numbers as a nation
but i believe we are big in character and generosity

What you can expect from me as an MP As an ESO candidate

* Represent My consitutancy fairly and without biased
your view and concerns will have my Ear

* Execute legitimate lawful policy of Parliament

* Will support the Congress leader in there lawful duties

* Will Faithfully support and adire to Parliament Act

* Be Honest and upfront with you

* Be accountable to Voters

On going event

* I hereby Pledge my 5gold from the Congress Medal(if successful)
to be divided equally , one part going to ESO
as a small thank you for helping me develop and grow and
second part going to eUK Government to help my fellow ecitizens ( NHS)

In ESO has a strong tradition of community yet honours the intrinsic value
of each individual,and its Commitment to the eUK is Unquestionable
They are important for everyone who believes in plural politics,
that people are better served when we put Our differences aside and work together,
for better, stronger progressive eUK
A community that plays alongside together stay's together ,

 I am here to tell you that if you do your duty as ecitizens of the greatest ecountry
the sun has ever shone on,

Vote for Me and for ESO on the 25th