[eROC真實之聲24號刊] [外電] Thank you

Day 2,127, 13:34 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by JDisBack

大家日安,我是JD. OwO/





原文:Thank you / Gracias




This article : I’m just writing it as simple UK citizen.

As you know, we were at war with Belgium and almost at the end of it : Bulgaria tried to escape from Romania and decided to NE UK. We, in United Kingdom, were facing against one of the strongest CoT country and we were sure that they should try to invade us in their prime time (when we sleep).


United Kingdom isn’t the strongest country on the e-world and everybody knows it but UK has a huge heart. When an ally needs help : we are doing our best to help him. It is one of the reasons why United Kingdom is appreciated from its allies.


I don’t hide that for the campaign between UK and Bulgaria. I was quite sure that Bulgaria should have at least one of our regions. And thank to our allies : it wasn’t the case. Launched during our night time : I was still there on the first round and lot of countries helped us.


In Europe : lot of citizens slept (quite logic) and I saw lot of people from Greece, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Republic of China (I know they aren't from Europe) … Well all our friends from TWO and ACT. Romania was there too : helping UK from inside and outside. From inside by directly help us and from outside by working to erase Bulgaria from the map.


Outside Europe, timezone was better : we receive help from everywhere, from Australia, Colombia, Republic of China (I already mentioned them but they were great) and especially from Argentina.


You know that our relation with Argentina wasn’t easy. We had an issue on last spring but when they mentioned they wanted to be proTWO : it wasn’t so easy. But we aren’t children, we are adult. We could choose to hate them until the end of time but representants from our 2 countries decided to talk. Not to blame the other but to listen it. In UK, we found mature people on the other side of the table. We understood what happened and decided that past is past and we could be able to walk together on the road. Almost 3 months after the issue happened : we signed a MPP with between our countries. On the beginning : some people could be suspicious. A bit like we are on the same road but not hand in hand.


I hear good comments about Argentina to our allies. Telling me that Argentina is a great ally, … and after what I saw on last night : I totally understand them. Argentina isn’t a TWO or ACT country but they showed a huge dedication to United Kingdom, proved that past is past and we are able to walk hand in hand. Their help was simply impressive. In D4 : several of their citizens made more than 100M and lot of argentinians were hitting for UK. In lower divisions : TOP 5 was 4 people from Argentina and 1 from Colombia.


After that : I’m sure that without argentinian help, we should lose that campaign. What you made on last night was simply great. United Kingdom will never forget that. On that night, our relation significantly increased. You made what a friend should do to a friend.

感謝希臘、匈牙利、波蘭、賽爾維亞、斯洛維尼亞、西班牙、中華民國(台灣)、澳大利亞...感謝所有來自ACT的朋友,感謝哥倫比亞與羅馬尼亞,以及最大的謝意 - 致阿根廷。

To finish and like I already said :
Thank you Greece, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Republic of China, Australia … Thank you to all our other friends in ACT, Thank you to Colombia, Thank you to Romania and a HUGE THANK YOU TO ARGENTINA


註一:原文為"a huge heart",直譯應為"巨大的心",個人理解為"熱誠而強壯的心"。




註五:十億應作"a billion",原作者用"100百萬"表示XD。







