[dPM]Detractors, Haters Need not Apply

Day 1,880, 15:09 Published in Australia Canada by Molly Jo

Dear Australians
As your Deputy Prime Minster I want you to know that I sold Scootys drugs and bought a hot tub.

Now on to serious business, I have noticed a lot of hate toward the government, as if the citizens forget that we are under PTO Threat still until proven that the threat is over. This means it is easier right now to accept the regions we have been granted so far by Chile in our Agreement, that is because the more seats open for Congress the easier it would be for Rogue PTO Candidates to get elected, and if they do this, they will let in more of there friends and the PTO will only worsen. SO if you still think it is wise to max out our congress seats, then I for one am not sure you can be trusted as having the Interests of National Security at Heart.

The ARP/Revolution
I haven't really said anything on the matter and I had no plans too, but the sheer amount of Hate aimed at the ARP has forced my hand.

First to address one notion that all Revolutions lead to Blood, War, and Death. This is a very uneducated notion, and the simple proof is the Industrial Revolutions were not Wars, the British Agricultural Revolution was not a War, nor was the Neolithic Revolution, or the Digital Revolution.

Secondly so many people question the word Revolution[ary] of our party name. Excuse me for one this seems stupid, If you are going to question one parties name you should do them all, for instance the KnightHawks Military Council isn't a military council it is just another party, the Australian Parliamentary Party isn't purely a party that wants a Parliamentary system. Finally the Australian Communist Party isn't really all that Communist.
So if you are to bash a party based on its name, well you must lack anything credible to actually say.

Finally Icetek if you are going to Troll members of my party and my party as a whole, you shouldn't be in my party trying to run for Party President. And if you are doing so in an effort to take my party over, well dream on, you aren't going to ruin something I worked so hard on building.

Detractors, Haters Need not Comment
Because if you can't say anything nice, you have no reason to comment.

Because this Kangaroo wants to make Love not War.