[Day 2799-2802] Market Prices and Cost/Use

Day 2,802, 11:27 Published in USA USA by JmanTizzle


Q1= .060
Q2= .055
Q3= .057
Q4= .060
Q5= .066
Q6= .063
Q7= .068

Q2 is the cheapest to buy for the cost/use system, however, Q6 is still more cost effective than Q5 and Q7. That makes it still a good buy for the price.


Q1= .050
Q2= .030
Q3= .037
Q4= .064
Q5= .162
Q6= .464
Q7= .728

While most of the weapons have remained the same for their cost/20 firepower, a few have their exceptions that truly matter. Q6 has dropped by .016 for cost/20 firepower and Q7 has risen, unexpectedly, by .019 cost/20 firepower. I assume that with the amount of wars and how much overall firepower the Q7 weapons have, the lower costing Q7 weapons, like we saw earlier in the week at 7.09, have been bought out quickly and that left us with the lowest price for Q7 weapons now being 7.44. It jumped unexpectedly and was not in my predictions for this week.

Thank you for reading,