[Dart-Comics] Update on comic future

Day 1,609, 03:26 Published in Canada Australia by Dartreal

Hello my children,

Going to make this as short as I can. Due to my work commitments it's looking less likely that I'll be able to keep the comics as active as they were. Jumping straight from the old style to the new style without having some type of break in between has also burnt me out so I'm just going to relax for a little while.

I realise that some of you will be disappointed but I'm sorry. I need to think about myself for a change (I know, selfish right?). I'm also picked up one of my old passions, and something that I love doing - writing.

For those of you that know me well you'll know that one day I hope to have a novel published. The problem is that I have too many ideas for novels and book series and not enough time. Over the years my love for writing was taken over by work (which is going great), & comics but it was my battle with chronic fatigue that really killed me.

On a positive note: I've gone for a very long time without having a single bad day due to my fatigue!

Back on my novels - I'm writing them again with a passion and it's something that I've missed a lot. Comics are going to be effected by this but think of it this way: should my novels be published and I make a lot of money from them (another dream of mine) I could fund cartoon series instead of comics!

See - now you don't feel that bad about comics being stopped for now, huh?

Comics will continue - I promise you that - but not right now. When they do come back they'll be once a day and slightly longer than before.

That's all for now. Character bios are still in the works and I might publish a few of those while I'm reworking on the comics (when I have time).

Thanks for the support and all the love.

Lots of love,