[CP] Deh Peace Deal

Day 1,706, 21:27 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

Rylde-When I pm'd you in the past you didn't respond so i stopped. So this is my pm to open communication with you and your govt should u want it.

Evry-Cool, Are your intentions sincere regarding the peace proposal?

Rylde-they are

I'll agree to the peace provided I can get a published assurance of non-interference in USA internal and foreign affairs from Canada.

Rylde-as long as those affairs aren't war on my direct allies in terra I would gladly agree.

As were already stuck in the pointless war would it be to much to suggest canada renting regions that aren't needed from USA. as in Oil and Grain.

Just want to throw it out there. nothign ventured nothign gained as they say

Evry-We have no plans to attack nations within Terra unless our national security or sovereignty are threatened.

I talked to my cabinet, and we all agreed that we can't at this time rent regions to Canada. Sorry.

Let me know when the published assurance is posted and I'll post a similar article regarding white peace between our two countries.

Rylde-and waht about spain if they attack us. How will USA respond and are we talkin MPP here or just neutral status of ending the war going our seperate ways afterwards


Here's our situation; I plan on continuing with the war effort in public. I privately do intend to eventually declare peace and hopefully become allies once again with Canada.

In addition, as you've probably noticed, the eUS does have a vested interested in peace in Europe. Specifically regarding France/Germany/UK/Poland. We support France and Germany in that endeavor and are working towards a peace deal between those 4 countries. If you would like to help us in that regard, let me know.

The eUS would consider your assistance in reconciling our two great nations

Rylde-Spain has NE'd I know this peace is a bit of a farce as you can just set Canada as DO under spain afterwards.

If I have to make a public statement of peace agreeing to stay outta american affairs you have to as well I thought ws the deal.

Transmission Terminated

But still being able to clamor and support war on the american side isn't peace at all. This war was pre-planned so USA could abandon there 3 colonies in Europe so they could occupy Mexico and Canada for 100/100 bonus.

Trade off 3 RW's for 2.

I'm sorry but I won't make any Canadian territories easy to occupy under my leadership. I'm open to negotiation and region swapping but my nation will not have occupation forced on them without a fight.