[CP] A time for change

Day 1,170, 15:30 Published in Canada Romania by BogdanFV

For those of you that have awaited this article, yes! I am running for country presidency. Before I start let me make one thing clear. Yes, I screwed up and I will be the first to admit it but at the same time you have to remember that I worked my ass off for this country since the day I joined it's community. I served it as a congressman, I served it as a MoFA, I served it as a deputy Prime Minister and I served it as a Prime Minister. On February 5 I want to serve it again.

I want to turn this country around, do you?

My plan is simple, focused on the major problems Canada has yet a simple plan like this is what I think is at this moment the key for success in Canada. We need to rebuild this country and we shall not be able to rebuild it with big plans that will never see the day of light but by taking a small step each time and carefully planning our next 3 steps. My platform is structured like any other platform you will find at any of the other candidates, the difference is the substance in it the difference is the team behind it. So let me share this plan with you.


The biggest problem our economy is facing at this moment is the problem it has adapting to the new economic module. We lack the main resource that boosters our food production (grain) we lack many of the raw materials necessary for the weapons industry. The implementation of the general manager's ability to work in his companies for free has rendered our tax system obsolete. The thefts and betrayals have left our economies and our spirits low. NO MORE!

It is time we took a 180 degree turn and save this country before it is to late. As I said my plan is simple but first things first. Thefts and security how do I plan to switch from the first to the second? I already proposed a guardianship scheme that would bring our money more into the green zone. Basically the President and MoF won't have access to anything above what they urgently need for MPP's or wars. Everything else will either be donated directly to the CAF and TCO or will be kept in orgs controlled by trustworthy Canadians.

You might ask how does giving the money to more people make a theft less probable? It doesn't the difference will be that when a theft occurs Canada won't loose 3000 Gold, it will loose 300 Gold this way even if it will be a blow, the country won't be affected as much as before and we will be able to start rebuilding in no time. No more wasted months, no more fortunes lost to corrupt presidents. Basically the first step towards a brighter step. I already proposed this in congress but I have little faith that it will pass any time soon. This is why I wand your vote so we can change this NOW!

After this is done I would focus my efforts on getting a tax system that works in the current economic system. The debate has gone back and forth between VAT and Income, what is the best, should we keep what we have now? Should we totally redesign it and go for a 25% income tax? No, I think that what we need now is a balanced tax system. I am not a top notch economist but I do understand some basic principles:
1) We need VAT to tax the general managers.
2) A VAT above 10% will put a strain on our citizens, encourage black market.
3) VAT is not a reliable source of income for the government whereas the Income tax is.
4) If we want to be a powerful country we need a powerful army and that costs a lot of money.
All things considered I think a moderate approach is necessary that is why I am a fan of combining the two taxes to get the best of the two worlds. I imagine the best approach to this taxes would be a 5% VAT and 8% Income but as I said I am not an economist. The Income tax could go higher and the same could be said for the VAT. With our money safe it is time to build up a strong economy so that we have a stronger future!

Economic bonus

With the new resources and the bonuses attached to them we found ourselves in a desperate lack of productivity compared to other countries, we also found ourselves with a lack of Grain in our country. We need to fix this, I have a plan that would get us a grain region during this month and I have a back-up for it. One way or another, Canada will get a Grain region this month. We will get our food production on a level that can compete with the other countries of the world again. Why is this good for us? It basically means a drop in grain price which translates in a drop in food prices. Managers will make produce more and citizens will pay less for their food.

Foreign Affairs

During the last few weeks we saw the world go in flames. With Poland leaving EDEN and Spain preparing to do the same we as a country need to step back and reanalyze our situation. We have gone through a lot with our allies and friends in EDEN but is this alliance capable of securing our future? This is the question I am going to ask in February, this is the question we will answer in February. In addition to the EDEN problem we saw another alliance try to form.

As PANAM starts to make it's first steps it is important that we keep an eye on it, study it carefully and make sure we leave an open door for the future. PANAM continued to grow since it started and to an outsider it seems to be the next big alliance, and at the moment the only thing that could stop NWO in it's tracks.

In addition to this we have a tool that we never used before (Trading Embargo) in this times it is important that we make use of this tool as we have former friends that point their gun at us we must ensure that our market stay safe and secured and no economic sabotage from across the border is possible.


Communication and french
My social plan revolves a number of aspects that I think should be crucial. In the last few months we saw a rise in the number of governmental articles posted in both English and French, I want to continue this and provide a government that will be close to the people no matter what language they speak or how old they are. The Ministry of Communication will have a full month with articles being released every two days (I hope) from which we will inform our citizens of the global changes and keep them connected to events. An informed citizen is a strong citizen!

Health Canada
Probably the best project that was ever ran in V1 was Health Canada and the affiliated projects it had. It was both a tool to aid new citizens and a tool to keep our country in fighting conditions. At the current market prices our newer citizens need a little help to get started. I plan to revitalize Health Canada and get it going again, with the help of travis jogn dring I hope to transform Health Canada into a tool that reaches for our newer member.

TL/DR of the platform:
Secure our money and ensure that even if a theft happens in the future, it will never be risen at the magnitude of the latest scandals.
Play with the taxes until we get an optimum tax system, both adapted to the new economy and reliable enough to sustain our government.
Get a grain region to increase our productivity in the food sector.

Foreign Affairs:
Reanalyze our position on the world stage.
Check to see if PANAM is a viable solution for the future.
Use the Country Embargo tool to keep our markets protected.

Keep our citizens informed with articles released every 2 days that are both in french and English.
Reach out to the new player through Health Canada.

Foot note: I would like to thank the MDP and the UN for their support, they want to turn this country around, do you!