[AV] Military and Foreign Affairs

Day 710, 17:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AltmerVampire

Hai guise :3

So as I promised last night I will be writing an article every day, and today just happens to be my personal favourite article. Yes, it is of course my beloved Military and Foreign Affairs manifesto.

But before we start listen to the all new campaign song, written by Joachim von Bremen


And now, let me tell you why I feel experienced enough to actually write this manifesto, lemme tell you why I am by far the most militarily and foreign affairs experienced candidate running for your president this term…

In my time in the eUK I have served in a whole range of positions in both the military and with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Why? Because the second I joined the game I knew that was where my love lay. I was good at it too; I came to show a good understanding of how the military worked and how to organize it to the best of its ability. As for foreign affairs, I thrust myself into that. I proved to be good at keeping up with the world’s situation, I proved to be a people’s person and capable of working out deals that were to everyone’s advantage.

And it now seems that I am capable of blowing my own trumpet… Dears a dear… Well anyway, long story short, I’ve been involved with the military and foreign affairs since I joined this game. I was promoted rapidly in the military and was encouraged with enthusiasm in the Minister of Foreign Affairs. I helped the Royal Navy (as a Commodore) through several massive reforms that have helped bring it to where it is today and I am currently attempting to bring my talents to making PEACE an even better alliance.

But before I start listing my policies (as a manifesto should) let me talk a bit more and bore you senselessly.

The current Foreign Affairs of the UK can, like many other things I find these days, be traced back to Kumnaa’s presidency when Hassan was Minister of Defence and Foreign Affairs and Glorious Failure (or these days, Necrosis) was Minister of Foreign Affairs. This reign followed the collapse of ATLANTIS and the UK descending into bitter arguments and worse, neutrality.

Kumnaa then influenced it and laid the brick works to Hassan upon his election to the Country Presidency, having the United Kingdom join PEACE GC. This move has influenced and continued to influence the UK’s foreign affairs and I have no doubt it will remain influencing our politicians and foreign politicians and citizens for many months to come.

This decision was that massive, that successful, that ingenius. It was also an immensely risky decision, there were never any guarantees of success and the mere thought of it would infuriate our previous ATLANTIS allies into an invasion. So yes, it was a high risk, high reward decision. And this ladies and gentlemen, is how I will attempt to base my foreign affairs and military decisions on. No pain, no gain as they say. High risk, high reward is how I will lead this nation. So if you want a much more safe, and inevitably dull eUK, I would advise you to not spend your vote on me.


PEACE has just been pushed out of North America and already some people are heralding this as the death of PEACE. A tad of an exaggeration in my opinion but lets ignore that for now, eh? I support PEACE and will not make any moves to distance ourselves from the alliance. Indeed, I will do my best to strengthen our ties to fellow PEACE members and the alliance itself. This will not only give the nation more of a community, it will also serve to help us defend our shores and give the UK population much more of an incentive to defend their allies.

PEACE is viewed as something evil by some of our citizens. In the coming week or so I will prove to them this is not true. I will show the UK that we are trusted and respected allies in an alliance of equal friends. No one is our puppet master but ourselves.


Relations with the eRepublik Defence and Economic Network are, understandably, not so good. As CP I will reach out my arm to them, and try to make sure our relations are not disasterous. I don’t expect to be best friends with them but I do not believe we have a valid reason of being their sworn enemies. Allies will be looked at on a case by case basis, its time people stopped being prejudiced and stopped seeing one alliance as evil and the other as a saint.

With the ascension of Australia into EDEN I hope that our relations with Australia will remain strong and potentially open up diplomatic pathways to other EDEN nations.


Again, relations with the US aren’t rosy and lovely as they could be. If elected as your CP, I will arrange talks with the President of the US and see if we can work out some kind of deal. We have been at loggerheads for too long, and our cousins across the pond have despised us for too long, its time to be mature and reach out our hands. I’ll admit, an idea has crossed my mind that plays in with my “high risk, high reward” theory, however for several reasons I unfortunately can’t release details just yet. That is to say, if you are as curious as a cat, vote AV 😉


Not much I can say about our brothers across the Irish Sea. I myself am Irish so I do feel a very strong bond with them. Relations will be prioritised and I shall do my best to ensure our Irish friends are as comfortable and safe as they can be. As you may or may not know I amended the Raleigh Treaty earlier this months, so yes, under my presidency this treaty will be honoured.

Lets move onto the military now…

The Royal Guard

As you hopefully know, the RG has been disbanded, for a variety of reasons. This came just after a major reform. It is for this reason I do not honestly believe it was given enough chance. And it is for that reason, that I will look into alternatives for the RG, potentially based on the Navy’s structure. This may not be the most popular decision, but I believe it is a decision that in the long term may benefit the nation to great lengths. Nothing good was ever built in a day, and therefore I will look into as many possible paths for a superior home defence system that provides the community that many in the old Royal Guard grew to love.

The Royal Navy

My beloved and spiritual home… I grew up in the Navy here, some amazing people with an amazing command team and structure. But, being the annoying person that I am, wants to make sure it keeps going and gets better. For the Navy, I will ensure more funds, in keeping with my economic policies which will be revealed soon. The Navy will have increased funding to ensure it ranks up its members and potentially higher quality weapons sessions with people who are near rank ups.

I will also make sure we utilize the Royal Marines to the best of its capability. Unfortunately none were used in the Belgian ATO which I believe was a grave miscalculation on the UK’s part and for it I apologize to France and the Netherlands for letting them down.

I will also try to keep recruitment up as high as possible by ensuring regular articles are written, with assistance from the Minister of Home Affairs.

Special Forces

They are pretty awesome in all honesty. The elite of our soldiers, the most active and the strongest. I will do my best to make sure they are always in the right place at the right time to protect our interests and our allies’. All in all their structure is very impressive and I am deeply proud of them and will make sure they continue their good work.

I will also encourage some of them who are eligible to sign up to the PEACEKeepers to assist the alliance in achieving its goals.

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And so we reach the end of this manifesto. Thanks you for reading and I hope you agree with me on some points. If you want a foreign affairs and military minded president, I am the candidate who you should be voting for on the 5th.

So thanks for reading guys and my domestic manifesto will be out in a day or too 🙂

And while I remember, a huge thank you to everyone who is supporting me, including the internationals 🙂

Toodle pip,
Your presidential hopeful.

PS: Join the UK forums