[Asgard HQ] New Supreme Commander & Greetings

Day 2,126, 15:33 Published in Sweden Romania by Asgard HQ

"New" Supreme Commander

After Wolf Heinrich von Helldorf the next Supreme Commander of Asgard is Zacharia Raven. Asgard HQ wishes Wolf all the best, and thanks him for his efforts.

Zacharia Raven is not exactly new, as he also was the first SC of Asgard. He plans on giving a final push for Asgard on political level, before giving room to fresh faces.

a Word from the Supreme Commander

Greetings, citizens of Asgard!

It is nice to be back for maybe the last time. My previous term was excellent, but I was forced to retire due to my IRL business and also fundamental differences of views with a certain president.

Now I'm back for a full term, no matter what. I have only one goal, and that is to give Asgard my best and all. No matter who gets mad at me and why. My motto for the term is:

We who made it, we will save it

Asgard has seen some rough days, and even the word "disband" has been brought up. As I was there to found Asgard, I will do my best to make it work again! We are facing once again new enemies, but we must not lose hope.

Current situation

Asgard is currently in several battles on its own soil: Romania and Bulgaria are fighting each other, Finland is fighting Estonia, Sweden struggles with Lithuania...

Currently the order is to fight here for Finland!

Coordinating our efforts in this time is challenging. Asgard relies on national level information, and the governments are doing good job. I will revise the need of further informing.

About the future

Asgard HQ has been a bit silent the past few months, but we will try to fix that, at least for a month!

Battle orders (bookmark!)
Asgard Treaty