[Asgard HQ] New SC and other updates

Day 2,002, 08:52 Published in Sweden Romania by Asgard HQ

Hello citizens of Asgard, friends and foes. Time for some updates from the HQ.

1. The HQ

First of all we want to thank Kain Propan for the valuable work he has done for Asgard, both internally in the HQ and with the menber countries and our friends and allies. Kain has not left us completely though, he is still a member of the HQ as a Swedish representative.

Mr_W is our new SC, Uncle Buck and ChosenR are our deputy SC's in May. We wish them luck in the coming month, and are confident that they will carry on the work to strengthen our alliance.

2. The new Treaty

We have worked on a new and improved Asgard Treaty, and it has now been approved by the HQ. The next step will be approval by the member countries. You can read the proposed Treaty here:

Asgard treaty proposal

3. Diplomacy

On the diplomatic front we have made some progess during the last few weeks. Our cooperation and friendship with Russia is now better than ever, and we have also improved relations with other CoT-countries. This is something we intend to work on also in the coming month, as we see that we have some common interests with them.

The German occupation of Norway is of course a problem in the relations between Asgard and CoT. Asgard is not unwilling to discuss a solution to the problem, but for the moment we are not close to a deal both sides would find acceptable. Thus it seems likely that the war will continue for some time.

Asgard HQ has noted that a referendum in the Netherlands showed considerable support for a Dutch membership in Asgard. As the decision on new members lies with the member countries, the HQ will wait until it knows their positions until commenting further on this issue.

Best regards,
Mr_W, Supreme Commander of Asgard

Finally, by popular demand, this;


and this:
