..And a Happy New Year!

Day 1,137, 06:35 Published in Sweden France by Totood The Second

Dear citizens of Homonavia - a happy New Year to all of you, even those who are still opposing the inclusion of Denmark into the Homonavian Union - we are aware of the fact, that your opposition is only due to the fact that you haven't realised our awesome potential yet..

Now, as time progresses, you will of course see the light that shines upon you all, the light that Danishism is put in this wonderful world to spread.

This light, the Holy Light, shines brighter for every person following the true Prophet.
Tonight, when the sun has set and the moon and the stars are the only lights on the sky - that is when the light of Danishism will once again unveil and light up the skies.

But beware, only persons who are deemed worthy of following the mighty footsteps of our Prophet will see it. It will look as a palette of red, green, blue, gold, silver and white light. It will come in the form of bouquets, single stars, dogs, dragons and even a tiny sparrow.
It will be legen... wait for it..... DARY!


New years eve, what a fantastic night. YES, indeed it is. And as the night progresses, and your intake of alcoholic beverages increase, you will not only see the Holy Light - you will also see vast amounts of the opposite sex(or your own sex, depending on your orientation), all of them incredible interested and attracted to you.

As the true Homonavian citizen you are, you will look at them, judge them, swing them around for a dance or two - and perhaps even share a new years kiss with them.
You may think "To hell with that bullshit, I ain't touching him/her tonight!"
And I can ensure you; Yes, yes you will. A true Homonavian citizen always end up with the prince(ss) and half of the kingdom - whether you like it or not, it is your destiny.

When the time comes for the two of you to go to bed, it is of utmost importance that you evaluate the night's catch according to the Vicky Mendoza diagonal. If s/he's below, you should do "The Sexless Inkeeper" - if s/he's above, it's fine!

You may not remember the awesome episode of How I Met Your Mother (How I Met Everyone Else, S03E05) and thus find that all this blabbering is utter nonsense.. It's not. Here's a graphic illustration:

"Let's see how Blah Blah's doing on the hot/crazy scale. She started the night here, but as the night progressed, she has gotten crazier, but she hasn't gotten any hotter, and she has drifted past the Vicky Mendoza diagonal(yellow line) and getting dangerously close to the Shelly Galezby area(marked red).
Another girl I dated - she gained twenty pounds and tried to kill me with a brick."
(Quote: Barney Stinson, S03E05)

If you'd like the live-explanation, here's a youtube-link:

You might be thinking "Where do I fit on the scale?" - fear not, take this small questionaire and find the answer:

Now you're all well equipped for New Years eve, go celebrate!

Kind Regards,
(This message was approved by Barney Stinson - now, go suit up and help Homonavia become AWESOME)