
Day 667, 00:45 Published in China China by eChina

信息部是国家为了增强国民 对于 eRepublik 世界的认知和加强国内国际 间民众的交流而设立。 其目标主要是通过建立国营 报业系统, 充分利用报纸功能来达成。

一、 基本原则

1 、 本部门只服务于国家, 并不归属于任何党派、 团体及个人, 也不参与任何党派、 团体及个人间的争议冲突。

2 、 信息部部长为信息部总负责 人, 由每任总统任命, 在新任总统的内阁人事宣布 后, 原部长自动辞职, 由新任人选接任。

3 、 信息部部长以下各成员, 视为事务官员, 不随内阁变化而变化。

4 、 信息部长有权对信息部各成 员进行任命、 解职、 改任等人事操作, 其结果应及时告知现任总统 。

5 、 信息部下属各报纸, 除发布原定目的内容外, 必要时亦可用于对内及对外 发布总统及内阁各部门之通 告等内容。

6 、 信息部下属各报纸, 目标群体是本国全体国民, 出版语言应尽可能采用中英 双语 (译文版报纸除外) 。

二、 组织架构

(一) 总体结构
信息部下设三个司, 对应于三份报纸:

1 、 国际司, 对应于 《图说天下》 , 本报是 《 Through the Looking-Glass 》 的译文版, 本报将保持一日一份的出版 频率, 信息部将主要通过这份报纸 来使国民对于现今的世界政 治军事局势有一定的了解。

2 、 经济司, 对应于 《 Central Finance/ 中央财经》 , 本报暂定为周刊。 通过对一周来 eRepublik 世界的经济数据进行收集汇 总, 加之分析评论, 使国民能够把握世界的经济 状况。

3 、 国内司, 对应于 《 eChina News (暂定名) 》 , 本报暂定为周刊。 本报主要关注国内事务, 简要通报分析一周内国内各 事务动态。

(二) 具体岗位

1 、 信息部长。
职责:处理信息部内人事安 排, 协调信息部各项工作, 保证信息部正常运作。

2 、 各司司长
职责:兼任各报纸总负责人 , 具体负责各份报纸, 保证各份报纸按时出版。

3 、 翻译、 编辑及校对 (专职)

4 、 翻译 (非专职)
急需人手时临时征召, 非专职。

三、 管理细则

1 、 各份报纸均由国家下属组织 号出版, 保证不会因个人原因耽误出 版。

2 、 各份报纸均应有相应邮箱, 用以保存过往稿件记录。

3 、 报纸对应的组织号密码及邮 箱密码的公布范围包括信息 部部长及各司司长, 并送总统处备案。 可视情况由信息部长将密码 授予专职翻译、 编辑及校对等。

4 、 各报纸出版前, 应经过各司司长或信息部长 审阅许可。

5 、 出版周期密集的报纸应采取 轮工负责制, 保证各期报纸均有人负责, 如事先安排好的人有事需改 变, 应提前一天向各司司长或信 息部长提出。

Regulation on the Supervision and Management of Ministry of Information

Ministry of Information is set up by the state in order to enhance national awareness of eRepublik world and strengthen the communication between the domestic and international people. The objectives are achived primarily by establishing state-run newspaper system and making full use of it.

1 Basic principles

(1) Ministry of Information will serve the country exclusively. it does not belong to any political parties, groups or individuals and will not participate in any dispute between political parties, groups and individuals.

(2) Overall responsibility for the whole Ministry of Information lies with the information minister. The information minister will be appointed by State President. On announcement of new cabinet by new president, former minister will resign, and replaced by the new one.

(3) All members of Ministry of Information except information minister are regarded as governmental employees and will not change with the Cabinet.

(4) The information minister is entitled to the appointment, dismissal, or change of all members of Ministry of Information , and the results should be presented to the incumbent president as soon as possible.

(5) Newspapers belonging to Ministry of Information, while releasing the contents for the original purpose, can be used for internal and external release of the President and the Cabinet circulars and so on when necessary.

(6) Newspapers belonging to Ministry of Information are all citizen-oriented. They should be published in both Chinese and English whenever feasible (except for translation edition).

2 The organizational structure

(A) The overall structure
Ministry of Information consists of three divisions, corresponding to three newspapers:

(1) International Division, corresponding to "Through the Looking-Glass", is a translation edition, it will be issued daily. Ministry of Information will be utilizing this newspaper to help citizends understand the political and military situation in today's world.

(2) Economic Division, corresponding to "Economic Weekly(tentative name)", is issued weekly. By collecting economic data from all over the world in the week, aggregating and analyzing them, it will help citizens to grasp the world’s economic situation.

(3) Domestic Division, corresponding to "eChina News(tentative name)", is issued weekly. This newspaper focuses on domestic affairs, gives a brief analysis of dynamics within a week domestic affairs.

(😎 Specific posts

(1) Information minister
Duties: dealing with personnel arrangements within Ministry of Information, coordinating the work of Ministry of Information, ensuring the normal operation of Ministry of Information.

(2) Directors
Duties: serving as the overall person in charge of each newspaper, ensuring the timely publication of the newspaper.

(3) Translators, editors and proofreaders (full time)
Duties: being in charge of the running of each newspaper.

(4) translators (non-full-time)
Duties: working on special temporary assignment.

3 Administrative rules

(1) The newspapers should be published by the state's organization to ensure there is no delays in publication due to personal reasons.

(2) Each newspaper should have a corresponding mailbox, to preserve the records of past releases.

(3) Corresponding to the organizations of newspapers, password and email password should be published in the range of information minister and directors. Depending on the circumstance, information minister can delegate translators/editors/proofreaders with password.

(4) Before being published, newspapers should be examined by directors or information minister.

(5) Newspapers being published in a limited time frame should be published by at least two staff. If a pre-arranged staff has to leave his post for a while, he should notify the directors or information minister one day in advance.

另: 特别感谢信息部新成员 GMeowMeow 对英文版付出的努力。