You Decide June '09, interview with Habraka Abrivianius

Day 543, 08:13 Published in USA USA by logan Dunleavy

Here is Habraka Abrivianius the canadite from the N.S.P

Question:How do you plan on fixing the economy?

"The National Socialist Party proposes to strengthen our economy by having the government increase it purchases of Q5 Hospitals and Q5 Defence Systems. Now that Romania has been removed as a significant ally of the United States, we are more than ever in danger of a direct invasion of our home territories. Therefore we need to solidify our borders with Hospitals and Defence Systems. Now you are probably wondering why having the government buy Hospitals and Defence Systems would benefit the entire economy?
Let me tell you why, because of the "trickle down effect". If the US government purchases and places more Q5 Hospitals and Defence Systems, the wages in the Construction sector will steadily increase, along with demand for these products. The workers in the Construction sector will have more money to buy higher quality food with, more weapons to buy weapons with, more money to buy gifts with, etc... The more the Construction workers earn, the more they spend, and the more they spend, the more the Manufacturing sector will profit. If the Manufacturing sector is booming, the Land sector will follow suit, again due to increased demand.
Additionally, the more Q5 Hospitals we have, the more people that are able to get their wellness up to 95-100%, which vastly improves our productivity compared to our direct economic competitors.
Also, some nationalisation might be encouraged, especially in the Weapons sector. The Armed Forces need a steady and reliable provider of quality weapons, and the public sector is a bit to fragile and vulnerable to sabotage in order to efficiently and productively supply our soldiers with the equipment they need".

Question: How will you handle and use our milltary?

"The National Socialist Party wants to greatly increase the activity of the Armed Forces abroad and at home. Lower level soldiers should be provided with the necessary equipment to rank up and do more damage faster. Not only the Marines and Tanks should get the opportunity to fight abroad, lower level soldiers should receive at least a Q1 Weapon and be send a regular missions to defend our beloved United States against the PEACE aggressor. We need a bigger, better and stronger military if we are to withstand the onslaught our enemies plan on us. We are the biggest and supposedly the strongest nation in the entire world, let's start acting like it by creating the strongest army in the world.
I have played a major role in reforming the German National Army, the Bundeswehr, together with their Minister of Defence Chicco. When we started, the Bundeswehr was nothing more than a name and a few organisations with no purpose nor funds. In a few weeks time, we have transformed the defunct Bundeswehr into a military organisation on par with a lot of countries in the New World. The Bundeswehr has been supporting the Polish and Romanian cause with up to fifty soldiers in the past few weeks, whereas last month Germany had no national army to call it's own".During the dark period that Germany didn't have it own national army, I founded my personal army, the Abrivianius Defence Force, to protect the German nation and by proxy ATLANTIS from the Hungarian and Indonesian barbarians poised to destroy the way of life we hold dear. The ADF quickly grew to a potent military force, recruiting from countries like Spain, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, Ireland, the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, South-Africa, Denmark, and many more. We fought against PEACE in daily battles, with high quality weapons, to liberate the by PEACE oppressed nations around the world. I personally spend 3.000 Gold (1.500 Euro or 2.000+ USD) on maintaining the ADF as primary defence force of Germany, and as liberator and protector of the smaller nations threatened by the PEACE behemoth.
These experiences give me the confidence to lead and continually improve the United States Armed Force to be able to overcome any and all obstacles our enemies throw at us. It will not be easy, it will not always be fun, but I'm here to do my part to protect and serve freedom in this country and in our world".

Question:What will you do for ATLANTIS?

"I intend to make ATLANTIS a more powerful and efficient organisation. This by increasing the cooperation and coordination between member nations, planning strategies and battles together, creating a mutual warfund, and establishing a unified ATLANTIS Army structure, with a unified chain of command, unified communication apparatus, and a unified logistic division. PEACE has learned to work together early on, and they are getting better and better at it. Mean while, ATLANTIS has spend more time fighting among themselves instead of their common enemy, the latest episode in the Germany-Sweden saga only proves my point. Everyone can see how ATLANTIS is doing at the moment, due to lack of cooperation, communication and effective planning we have lost the last three major and deciding battles in Podolia, West-Siberian Region and the Far Eastern Region. We have lost Romania as an important ally as their military has abandoned the defence of their regions. ATLANTIS has throw everything it got at PEACE, and we lost. That has to change, now".

Question How will you help non-Peace nations?

"The National Socialist Party wants to help non-PEACE nations against Political Take-Overs and against conquest of neighbouring countries. Therefore I would expand our anti-TO group heavily, and sign MPP's with neutral countries to ensure their continued survival among the two superpowers ATLANTIS and PEACE".

Question: What will you do with taxes?

"The taxes are good as they are to be honest. They might be rather high, but then again since those high taxes were introduced, the US government has had money to spend on important projects, for a change. Low taxes means a low income for the government, which in turns means a low budget for our Army to defend our country. I would rather pay high taxes all my life and be able to go to my home every day, instead of not paying taxes and not having a home to go to anymore".

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