WOW, this game is complex

Day 1,422, 05:25 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

I’m an old new player. I have been playing this game for nearly a year and all I thought it was about was to eat, train, work and fight any random person (for a long time I fought eBrazil… never knew they were occupying our land on a pact agreement.) then I would come back the next day a do it over again.

What changed the game for me was someone asking to be a friend, not releasing that this game had so many facets. I started asking questions … all of sudden I find the forum (which is still confusing not easy to follow), with a new wealth of information I discover our country has a history and a very active community.

I then wonder how could I have been playing so long and never known what is actually happening(maybe I’m just a bit slow). I sat thinking maybe these older players know more about the game, maybe they could teach me something like a mentor. Guess what I find on the forum a place to find a mentor. It is amazing if you know what to look for it’s so much easier.

What I would like to suggest is that instead of waiting for people to apply for mentorship maybe new players should just have some older players asking if they can help.

After all that said thanks oprah for opening some doors for me look forward to getting more involved.

Thanks Ricky