World Battle Stats

Day 3,164, 05:56 Published in North Macedonia Ireland by StrongeRR

Remember my last article Macedonia-Argentina battle stats? Now I decided to learn English and go global.


For starters lets order explain the Kebabs.
You see they are called Kebabs because of their uniform which draws its inspiration from a giant gyro kebab of the urban wilderness.

allah kebab

The Kebabs were no problem for the Bulgarian Special Force. Because BSF are as smart as they are strong, so they came up with very innovative counter-strategy.
Say hello to their little friend, the AK Bacon.
This baby fires 300 bacon slices per minute, making him the world`s fastes Kebab-remover.


Now this here is not very important, as it happened by accident.
Greeks love to play Zorbas, its no lie. But some Zorlas dancers were pretty drunk and they went in the wrong direction.

how they moved

how they should have moved

Like I said, they were pretty drunk as you see on the video and by the end of it you can witness some elegant moves taught from generation to generation of men. Those moves describe a huge chunk of their history, especially characterized by the feminine influence.

BSF will deal with them promptly. They announced that they didn`t liked the Zorabas especially the music, so they will go in Athens to teach them how to play Chalga.


Some were surprised a bit of why the Murican plane crashed since Murica`s mattresses and plane seats were stuffed with cash instead of cotton, but as Jessie J once sai😛
-" It`s not about the money, money..."

Let`s take a look the at Murican invading army:
Pretty standard composition of shaved, long-legged brunettes mixed with a few naughty, adventures blondes and pinch of red, blushy faces which match the blue uniform perfectly.

Now let`s take a look at the Macedonian defending army:
These guys mean business!
With only a glimpse you can see that they are professionals, their poker faces tell you that each and everyone of them has been through tough training of Die Hard caliber and they are hungry for action.
Under the thick, green uniform they posses hard, pelvic muscles which give them all the stamina they need.

The whole battle can be described with 2 pictures:

Thank You

For last, In the name of everybody in erep I would like to thank Macedonia and Bulgaria for making so many epic battles.
The formula kept being updated, but no boundary set could held these two captive.
Eventually the servers exploded from the billions of damage dealt:

In memory

This article was made to commemorate the failed Murican AS on day 3163.
The last words will be given by the Inspector in Chief of this investigation: