World at War

Day 2,771, 13:24 Published in Israel Argentina by Yosef Tzvi
London Blitz of 2015

Argentinian Forces are bombarding the British capital of London after capturing Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the entirety of England. The British Royal Family is held up in Westminster Palace as the city is bombed by land, sea and air.

Argentinian President has declared the sweet revenge for the Falklands War in 1982. British armed forces are engaged in street and house to house combat. Damage and casualties are catastrophic. British forces have detonated all bridges and tunnels leading into London to draw out the battle as long as possible.

Viva Italia

The Italian Government based in Palermo, Sicily has launched a liberation war in the Campania Region of Italy with the city of Naples are the primary objective to free it from Serbian control.

Japanese Gains in War of Attrition

Japanese forces have succeeded in driving Russian occupation forces from the main Japanese home island of Honshu. Japanese soldiers were welcomed by hundreds of thousands as liberators as soldiers passed out candy and flowers. It is expected that Hokkaido is the next objective for the Japanese Self Defense Force to reclaim. Russian forces are digging in to maintain their control of the northernmost Japanese island.

Queensland War

Autralian forces have engaged in ongoing conflict in western South Africa however the majority of Australian forces are focused on the liberation of Queensland from Peruvian control.

The Australian Prime Minister in Adelaide was quoted as saying that the land down under would soon be free of the Peruvian Invasion Force.

Reporter Yosef Tzvi
Tomer Rimonim Times
Reporting from Occupied Eilat