Why Your Vote for PP is Important

Day 937, 16:04 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSA Ministry of Education

Party Pres Elections are tomorrow - Day 938. Your participation in the process is incredibly important.


Most of the people running for Party President this month are well known within the South African community, though there’s a fresh face or two.

Here’s the rundown:

Freedom Alliance:
Micheal Dell
Joseph Rich

SA Military Capitalists:

Independent Alternative:

New Africa:
Bobady Zoo

Progressive Party SA:
Karl Bauer
Dycey Farley

Catalan PTO - Vote for St00r:

Naturalist Party SA:
Stryke Blade

Why do some parties have only one candidate? There are a few possible reasons:
--Maybe the party had a forum election before candidates declared.
--Perhaps there are candidates waiting until the last minute to declare.
--Maybe not all party members have time or want to be PP.


Party President elections are important. This isn’t the time to vote for someone simply because they send you a PM or because they have a funny avatar. When you think about what they do, you’ll see that your vote tomorrow makes a real difference.

I previously mentioned the main responsibilities of a Party President as well as their opportunity to have an impact on their party which, in turn, impacts the country as a whole:

“Political parties are essential to the game as squads that create unity, communicators of national issues and opportunities, project generators that encourage player involvement and mentors for new generations of team leaders.

Party Presidents guide their party as they aid and influence both party members and the community at large. By doing so they become valuable to us all. “

Being active, having ideas and the willingness to implement them is really important for party leadership. So is seeing commitments through. If a leader resigns, the party member with the highest EPs assumes the position. That can be a bad thing if a high-level PTOer or enemy sympathizer ends up being a PP.

I’ve also mentioned that PPs are in charge of placing congressional candidates. This aspect of the job makes their roll strategic to our success as a team. We want a hard-working, patriotic congress to keep South Africa growing and thriving. Our PPs are key in that process. Obviously, we want to avoid allowing our enemies to gain congressional power. Congress approves citizenships. If we want to keep our enemies from attacking from within, we need to be very careful about who is endorsed as candidates; we want only citizens with our country's success at heart with the power to hit the "Approve" button. Placing the right candidates and, if necessary, blockers into our elections is essential to our national security.

So, as you can see, tomorrow’s election is important. I hope you’ll vote and that you’ll use your vote wisely. The Party President election is a way that every citizen of eSouth Africa can contribute to making our country a more proactive and safer place to play.

Thank you!


Dycey Farley
Minister of Social Development