Why I applied to be congressman

Day 2,522, 10:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AMD.

Despite being relatively new to the game, I have taken to it well. I am hoping to be a loyal member of the party.
My reasons for applying for congress. I WILL FIGHT FOR YOU!
The party is the Workers Rights Party. We represent the people without a voice. I will fight for the working man, and make sure everybody's opinions are heard. I will do what is right and represent the population of my region, and make sure they are sufficiently looked after, and promise to hold an open discussion on what areas should be improved, and what our next steps should be.
I may be new to the game, but what I lack in experience, I more than make up for in my loyalty, and my nationalist tendencies. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and If elected, I promise to be the best darn congressman I possibly can be.
If your sceptical, I implore you, at least offer me the chance to prove myself. Everyone must start somewhere, and I am sure you all remember how hard it was for you to get your start.
Thank you.