Who will benefit most from the new medal

Day 1,619, 09:41 Published in Hungary Hungary by clawy

Don't get me wrong: helping newbies grow faster is a great thing. But flooding them with gold in the first days is the exact opposite of that: they will not know that to do with it, will spend it on pointless things. When the income starts getting smaller, they will simply quit, because they can not stay competitive.
Such measures simply kill the game, even more then any other awful decision regarding the necessary sum of gold (obtainable by most only by using RL money) taken in the last period.

On top of that, it encourages multi accounting. How much money can a clone make now in a few days? Huge sums. And experience has shown that it takes at least that long to detect them. And they are used on all sides, only people getting screwed are actually those still trying to play fair.