Who actually thinks Christmas elections are a good idea?

Day 749, 20:13 Published in USA United Kingdom by Devoid

As you all know, we have Presidential elections on the 5th of every month, Party Prez elections on the 15th, and Congressional elections on the 25th. This isn't a bad system 11 months out of the year.

But elections on December 25th? Seriously? For much of the Western world, especially Christians and Americans, this is the one day out of the year where people are least likely to be sitting at their computers ready to vote. No doubt turnout will be terrible, and a few good candidates will be sniped. For shame!

Suggestions: Ideally the election schedules would be changed going forward. I'd suggest the 10th, 20th, and 30th, but a certain month lacks a 30th (screw you, February). So how about, say, the 8th, 18th, and 28th? I like it. Not that I expect this to happen.

Backup plan: In December, change Congressional elections to either the 23rd or 27th. Not the 24th, that's Christmas Eve. Not the 26th, that's Boxing Day, which apparently our Canadian Bros care about. So yeah, let's do it.

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