Weekly firepower rankings, Day 3584

Day 3,584, 06:35 Published in Finland Finland by TheJuliusCaesar


In the same way I earlier presented how each most nations' firepower differs from their damage outputs in both air and ground battles, it is in order to reproduce the charts as firepowers and respective damage shares got updated on daychange.

The following charts are computed simply by comparing the share of each nations' damage to their firepower. The more a nation produces damage compared to its firepower, the more efficient the nation is in battlefield as a deployment. This is because they offer more damage per firepower than some other nations. Whereas firepowers need to be manually fetched and inquired from many sources, nations' share of (air)damage can easily be obtained by dividing the amount of respective nation's (air)damage with the total amount of total global (air)damage, for ground and air battles respectively. Damage can be fetched from the leaderboards

To keep it rather short, as below tables inevitably take a lot of space, here they are:



If you got information about firepowers of nations you notice I'm missing, feel free to PM me them or mention it in the comment section. I'd be most grateful for that, and so would probably the readers be. For the actual dataset and other miscellaneous computing, as well as sortable firepowers can be found from this sheet. Currently it has 91% of world's firepower accounted for, but many small nations are missing.

Comparing firepowers between last week and this week reveals relatively little change for the vast majority of countries. But with, of course, exceptions:


If you can't find your nation from this list, it means we are missing the firepower of your nation for at least one of the two weeks.

I am, again, indebted to Jordic69 for his help with collecting and analyzing the data.

Until the next time,
- Caesar