WE the people of the eUS

Day 1,995, 20:13 Published in USA Poland by George Walker III

We live in uncertain times, with war possibly on the horizon. In these troubled times we look to leadership for help and answers, and if not in them to ourselves and our Military Units and Parties. When I need assistance I look to my superiors in the Training Corps, and know that they have military and civilian experience. They help guide and mold soldiers so that when their service is done they become successful members of eUS society.
We the People of the eUS need to stop bickering amongst ourselves, and join together to strengthen our nation. Let us put past issues and quarrels behind us so we can put the citizens before us. We cannot stand and fight against TWO if our nation is split in two. The world will be theirs if we cannot clean our house, for a house divided can never stand.-Abraham Lincoln