War! What is it good for?

Day 736, 05:58 Published in Israel Israel by Maelyn

A lot, actually. eIsrael is a part of the US-Irish training wars being fought in Rhode Island. The battles are scheduled to begin at 12:00 every other day, so each battle will span 2 eRep days. Why is this important to you? It’s a chance to gain experience, increase your battle damage rank, and improve your wellness. It will take less than two minutes out of your day to participate, and the rewards will be significant.

-Every time your fight you gain 2 XP. This means participating in the battle each day has the potential to increase your XP by up to 10 points every day!

-Every time you fight you add 10 points to your battle damage rank. Your battle damage rank is the rank you see on your profile page. It is an indication of not only how much damage you have done, but of how much damage you are capable of doing as well. The higher your rank, the more damage you will inflict with each fight.

-Judicious use of training wars can help you keep your wellness over 90. Why is this important?
*With a higher wellness you will be more productive when you work. More productivity=happy bosses. Don’t be surprised if your boss gives you a raise for helping to increase profits.
*Many bosses will fire employees with low wellness, so a high wellness helps make your job more secure.
*A high wellness helps to keep starvation and death at bay. Remember you lose 4 points of wellness each day (unless you eat enough to slow that down).
*If you are interested in being a part of the military, you must maintain a wellness of 90+. Training wars are an easy way to accomplish this.

Here are 5 easy steps to ensuring you get the most out of these battles (Note- You cannot fight unless you are at least level 5 and have a wellness of 40 or above):

Step 1: Make sure you live in a Q5 hospital region (Jerusalem or Nazareth North), then find the battle. The US-Irish training war will be listed here when open – http://www.erepublik.com/en/wars/show/1308 .

Step 2: Click the “Go to the battlefield” link to see the front page of the battle. This is where you will fight.

Step 3: There is a large button above the “wall” area which will say “Fight”. Click it once. It’ll take you to a results page.

Step 4: Take note of your new wellness level. If it is above 50, click the “return to the battlefield” button on the lower left. Repeat steps 3 & 4 until your wellness level is between 40-50.

Step 5: On the battle’s front page, above the “Fight” button, you will see a blue link for the hospital. Click that link, and then click “heal” when on the hospital page.


Once the server has reset, you can go back and do it all again. With battles opening every other day you will have the chance to fight every day. It’s quick, simple, and will make you a stronger and better citizen of eIsrael. We need every citizen to be the best they can be. Training wars help!

If anyone has questions or needs help, let me know. I’m always happy to do what I can.

The eIsaraeli Training Corps wants new recruits! If you're not sure how to fight, or want some help getting past those difficult early levels, sign up for the Training Corps today!
