Day 2,607, 12:15 Published in Israel Israel by Rufus1988

I spend my whole time in Nicosia. I asked congressmen, politicans, and the members of the government about war, peace, reasons.

As if I were in a spy story.

"Please leave, and do not ask more."
"It is secret, leave"

These were the most common answers. The others did not answer.

Finally I succeeded, the conclusion is:

"Somebody misled the public."
"Can our government be taken seriosly?"

Things are getting stranger. Nobody wants to talk, if anybody says something, he wants to be hidden. The members of the Cypriot government are fundamentally wary about me. If I ask about war, and its context with the government, they ask me to leave.

And then somebody from the goverment toes the line (I shall not reveal the identity of him), and he begun speak. He said there are something more than what we have already known. There are relation between the government, and Congresman Gorgud (who proposed the NE law) and in the public he is the congressman who is called "Troll".

Each President said that this war came from a wrongly handled troll proposal. But based on my sources I can tell you,

It is absolutely false.

Somebody misled the public.

It was a war which supported and well prepared from the beginning by the Cypriot government, moreover they provoked the war, and Congressman Gorgud helped them, (I could not blame him, it was his duty)

When I asked an other congressman (he asks me not to tell his name) about the war, he gave me the following answer:

"I want to ask a question to answer your question, look at the result of the proposal and war, tell me, only one person or one person and his 3-4 friends can able to do it."

Of course not.

It was a governmental decision, and in this case it should be predicted.

Our government lost the war due to the lack of intelligence so they fail to reveal the foreign government intentions.

Our government lost the communication battle, because in the whole news Israel is the country who is responsible for the conflict.

Our government lost the war ( we can't do anything about it)

And for now we should pay reparation (20,000 CC) to the Cipriots for two month of peace. The peace treaty is not supported by the public. It is too few for Cyprus, and it is too many for Israel.

There is no guarantee that this does not happen again.

Our leaders have to assume the responsibility instead of passing it. They should stop the equivocation. The time has came to fight for our interests.

The truth is, they were powerless in times of need.
Can our government be taken seriosly?

We will ask it from Flo Rida20 the Minsiter of Defence in the next Question Time.