VP: Sirius vs Asteria

Day 2,288, 12:42 Published in Netherlands Canada by Cody Caine

Mood Music

Today from the perspective of Vice President/Prime Minister of the Netherlands, I'm going to break down the Alliances from personal perspective and my take on the current situation in the Netherlands.
Members: 6
Spain, USA, UK, Poland, Turkey Croatia.

Personal Take: The better named alliance of the two. And as Tim Holtz made clear, you can make Sirius Black jokes, puns, and all sorts of fun with that fact. Now while I don't like the treatment of Canada by members of that alliance, I have also been a citizen of two of the member nations; USA, UK, and I happen to be a fan of the current SG Mittekemuis.

Government Perspective: So for the Netherlands, the issue comes down to mostly Poland. Whom for the longest time kept us down to no regions, and I imagine there are hard feelings, but we've had a congress for a couple months now, and things were looking good. And things should have stayed that way, but they didn't. The whole thing internally has turned into a he said, she said bickering over why we face not being allowed in Sirius. Certain members of the cabinet will tell you it is all the Valeyards fault, those on the other side will tell you it is the actions of the various members of our government pushing toward messing with Belgium’s internal affairs that is at fault. As the Vice President, I can tell you without a doubt I believe Sirius is the better alliance for the Netherlands, which is why I'm so willing to share that little summary of the he said she said battle.

The fact is certain members of our government have doomed us, and they should be held accountable for their actions, instead of letting them continue to make the same bitter charged mistakes again and again. And I have no doubt, I'll be punished for speaking out, but it is the truth. Based on the nations that surround us Belgium and Germany, with Poland always within reach, I once again state that I believe Sirius the better alliance for us.
Members: 6
Romania, Hungary, Argentina, Greece, Slovenia, Serbia.

Personal Take: Asteria, Really? Who came up with that name, it sounds stupider every time I say it. And the alliance is filled with flip flopper nations. Throw in the fact that only Argentina is a nation outside of middle Europe and you get to the point that it should be apparent not every member of this alliance has a shot to prosper.

Government Perspective: VS/MdR is pushing for the pro Asteria move. And his motives are his hatred of Valeyard, who is always high on the list of people f or him to blame when something goes wrong. Because it could never truly be his fault, or trying to get our government involved in Belgium elections. The puppet master ignores so many things in his pursuit of maintaining his control, he is not the man who should be working with Poland, there are better people who should be working on that relationship, ones who don't have a history of hatred for the country, like Lancer whom has been in national governments who have worked with Poland, UK and the likes. As I said in my personal take Asteria is in no position to aid us, and until Poland and Serbia actually go head to head in a battle, I don't believe that Serbia will ever truly be against Poland. The sheer nature of how quick the MoFA VS/MdR started making Asteria suggestions, leads to believe that was the goal all along. We are led to believe we have no choice, that is a lie, we do, get rid of the man pushing us down a path to a return to being wiped, and take positive steps toward building relations with the nations around us, instead of trying to screw them over.
Closing out: Since I always tend to be so critical of the USA [probably due to being an American in real life.] I wanted to say this; I personally support Gnilraps and Greeling to win in March. Both of whom I like for different reasons, but all the while good luck to them.