Voting Record, RAWR, Lotteries, and more

Day 385, 10:14 Published in USA USA by Kyle321n

Greetings fellow readers,

I know it's been a while since my last update. I've been really busy with real life stuff, so I haven't had the time to sit down and write an article. I'm going to do that now though, as I feel you all should be informed.

You may notice I'm in Florida right now. I moved to help fight in the war, and I am still the Congressman from Indiana. I'm just on vacation enjoying the sun, sand, and kicking the crap out of the Frenchies. You all should join me down here, it's beautiful! But move back to Indiana come election time, I don't want to lose you all from my electorate. 😃

Anyways I know the war, or RAWR as I call it is going on, but there was some important tax information that was passed while I was unable to write to you all. I was able to vote on them though so I'll share my record since I've been in office with you all.

Voting Record

1. Change the minimum wage to $2. Voted No.
Honestly I don't see why there is an minimum wage. If you are a 0 skill level you can get a job paying you $2 a day, which will give you plenty of time to get that skill up to 2, buy food while you do this, and start making $8 a day. You can get your skill up to 2 in the 72 hour period you have to wait to quit your job, so I don't see the need for this.

2. Change the citizen fee from $5 to $8. Voted No.
The congressman didn't follow the rules set in place by congress on the USA forums to get this passed. After I searched to see what the fee did I would have voted yes, but only if they proposed it the correct way. Every congressman received a message from Benn Dover explaining how to do this. There's no reason for not following the rules.

3. Buy constructions: Defense system for AZ, Hospital for FL, Hospital for NM, Defense System for NC, Defense system for VA, Hospital for IA. All voted yes
I'll vote yes on every buy construction bill unless its either overpriced or a dumb purchase (like a Q5 hospital for Connecticut, or a Q4 DS for Oklahoma, etc.). It's just common sense that we need these things, and usually they are well thought out when they are purchased.

4. Tax change: Lower Import on Diamonds to 1%. Voted yes
Even though this hurts one of my companies I voted voted yes. The US needs more diamond companies to import to it since we can't produce diamonds with our businesses. It also makes it more attractive for a US company to open a diamond mine outside of the country. It also helps the gifting market which was out of control and still is.

5. Tax change: Lower Import on Food to 45%. Voted no.
I'm still waiting for the food shortage to come... I don't think this was needed and in the long run could hurt the US food companies. Oh well...

6. Tax change: Lower Import on Defense System and Hospitals to 1%. Voted yes on both.
We're paying taxes to ourselves on something we're buying. So if we buy a DS for $2500 with a 99% import tax then we pay $2500 to the company and $2499 to ourselves. If we buy the same DS for $2500 with a 1% import tax we pay $2500 to the company and $25 to ourselves. It's the same difference. A bill to only attract cheap imports. And since we won't buy a DS from a company that's undercutting the US Market, it doesn't matter.

7. Tax Change: Lower import on wood to 1%. Voted no. Raise import on wood to 99%. Voted yes.
The first half was a dumb bill that broke the same rule that #1 and #2 did. The second half was a good way to protect the American wood market, but in the long run it didn't matter either way. An import of 45% isn't super attractive, and it might not hurt the already thriving wood market. We'll see what happens with this, but I still think it should be up to 99%. Look at how many Tennessee wood companies there are. We are fine with competition in the wood market. We don't need imports.

8. Tax Change: Lower import on Houses to 25%. Voted yes.
I like this bill because it makes it more attractive for housing companies to come into the market and it allows for the poor citizens to possibly afford a house. It doesn't kill the US housing market, and it doesn't kill the import market. It's a nice little bill.

9. Tax Change: Lower import on Weapons to 5%. Voted yes.
Gearing up for war? Well we need weapons for that. Let's get some more imports in the US while we do that. I am sure once we are done with wars that it'll go back up. If not I'll propose it.

10. Go to war: Declare RAWR on the Frogs of Frenchieland. Voted yes.
RAWR? Yes please.

11. Tax change lower import on wood to 10%. Voted no.
See #7.

Those are all the bills that have been proposed so far in my term. Feel free to check them out here: Country Administration

National Guard

I was promoted to the Commanding Officer of the 2nd Division of the National Guard. I'm not in charge of the entire training division. If you are interested in joining the National Guard and getting paid to train for the army. Even if you are a new player you can join, and earn $10 a week! Click here to join:

Nelco Industries

All 3 businesses are hiring. If there isn't a job offer out there and you really want to work at one of them contact me here. I'll get you set up with a job, and if you are a 'hard worker' you'll earn yourself a little bonus. And if you need gifts you know where to buy from. (GLB Gifts will continue to offer the lowest price q2 gifts while supplies last. Get them now!)

Indiana Lottery

Each week, for as long as I am the Indiana Congressman, I will run the Indiana Lottery, where you could win money!) A portion of your ticket will go to a fund to 1. Start a wellness program for low level US citizens and 2. Get a better quality Indiana Hospital. Join today to help your fellow US citizens! Tickets are only $2 and if every number is taken you could win $1400 or more!

Well this is plenty long, I think I'll save some for another article.