Vote UKPP For a Brighter Tomorrow

Day 1,769, 18:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Nick Griffin


Dear Citizens,

Congressional Elections are here and with the elections comes a mountain of talk and promises. These promises may sound appealing, but they are made every month by the same old parties. One instance is the TUP. As a nation, we seem to be electing the same dictators every month. No wonder we're going nowhere as a nation. We need to pick ourselves up from this tyranny and oppression and elect a more reasonable party; The UKPP.

What we want!

As a Party, we want lots of things. As an example, we want the end of a tyrannical eUK chatroom and Forum. We want positive changes to Taxation... Free use of Citizenship Passes... A strong, continuous National Army... Community Programs... Even a National Strike Day to bring together all MU's

... On a whole, we want to revitalise our Nation.

The UKPP is the party of the new player. There are no 'behind closed doors' decisions or executive groups and the party practices a 'democracy of the masses' approach with policy formed by party conference and party balloting. In the UKPP it is not your age, strength, cash reserves or who you know that counts - It is your activity that matters.

We hope to see you at the Polling Booth on Tuesday and hope you have a great day.

Best Regards,
Sir Nick Griffin UKPP Vice President.