Vote Manual

Day 1,558, 05:21 Published in USA Croatia by Void elf

This article is for all you dummies and newbies and those, which no one has told how to vote..
This tutorial is so easy that even dumbest noob can understand..
First thing!
-You need to change your location
click on the location change button below your avatar.


Then, on right side choose USA as country, and LUISIANA 🙂 as province.


NOTE: if you need money to travel just PM me..

Second thing!
-You need to vote-

On erepublic home page click vote and choose USWP party, and his proud 😛

Third thing!
-Umm..nothing particularly..celebrate the our joined victory in Luisiana with redneck theme 😃

Rednex party 😃

ONe more note: be free to ask any advice 'bout game any time.

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