Vote for PigInZen in West Virginia

Day 762, 16:59 Published in USA USA by PigInZen

Vote for PigInZen in West Virginia

LOLWUT? Seriously? Pig's running for Congress? Didn't he liek do this back in June? And isn't he the current Vice President of the US? Yes, it's true. I'm quite busy between working in the eUS executive branch and holding an XO position in the US Army. Adding a Congress seat will allow me to extend my impact to a broader realm. I will keep this short and sweet. By voting for me in West Virginia you will be casting a vote for a set of principles. From these principles derive my policy stances.


Pig's principles:

1. Reputation is everything. Humility, mutual respect and follow-through are the overarching rules.
2. Posturing and politics is sheer idiocy - this is a TEAM game and petty disputes get in the way of effectiveness.
3. E Pluribus Unum: from many, one. The eUS is much stronger when we encourage participation.
4. The plural of anecdote is not data.

Principles are important to me; they allow me to have an overall approach and philosophy that frees makes my time in eRep much more enjoyable and easier.


With the above principles in mind I pledge to pursue the following agenda:

1. Tax restructing.
2. Broader use of technology in decision making and government programs.
3. Increased government organization and documentation.
4. Increased government communications and transparency.
5. Elimination of "back-room deals" and patronage.

1. Taxation

I am not a supporter of the VAT. Our citizens have among the highest income tax levels in eRepublik and the VAT just reduces demand for our weapons, gifts and moving tickets. Operations of government don't really require the additional revenue and I believe that the VAT reduces our business competitiveness by both raising prices and reducing the amount of goods on our market. It's time to reduce the VAT and consider raising import duties in certain markets.

2. Technology

I have long been an advocate in the executive for using TRACKABLE data as a means to conduct government business. It is no different in Congress. New tools that are just becoming available to us will allow us to conduct more accurate revenue projections under different scenarios. These tools will also give us access to a broad spectrum of citizen data allowing the government to become more efficient and effective at the same time. I want to see this incoporated throughout Congress and will work very hard to make it so.

3. Organization and documentation

Events in eRepublik move swiftly. In the thirty days of a Congressional term (and Executive term) much knowledge gets passed down by word of mouth. There are numerous government orgs to which various individuals must have access, IRC channels that need hops and ops set and reset, forum discussion areas that need masked, etc. etc. etc. This doesn't even begin to take into account the ongoing procedures that are poorly documented or documented not at all. I will make organization and documentation of government procedure and resources a primary agenda item and push for the creation of a "Library of Congress" wiki hosted separately from eRepublik.

4. Communications/transparency

This past term Congress began publishing regular updates in the media as to its activities. I think this is a needed thing and we need more of it. The executive branch has it's own media operation and it's time for Congress to do the same. Media in eRepublik is the link to regular citizens – the citizens that may not have the activity level on the eUSforums or in IRC that would give them access to sorely needed information. Media operations and communication will allow a level of transparency that will reassure eUS citizens that Congress is responsive and accountable.

5. Patronage and back-room dealing

Unfortunately too many people in government are of a closed-group. This isn't by design but rather by expediency. There are so many people needed on such a short-term basis that we just grab those with whom we're familiar and know. This must change as we're excluding hundreds, if not thousands, of eUS citizens a chance at participation. I will promote the Office of Human Resources, an organization begun under Gaius Julius' term as president, as a means to recruit and organize interested citizens for government volunteer work.

E Pluribus Unum. From Many, One.

ONE MORE TIME: Together we have strength beyond measure. Do your part. Follow DoD orders. Fight with weapons. Maintain your wellness. SUPPORT THE CAUSE.