von Phalz for Arizona – on Foreign Policy

Day 671, 21:22 Published in USA USA by Rheinlander von Phalz

I think Roadrunners are neat.

Hello again friends,

Our e-nation has a storied history to say the least. There are dark spots of our past that cannot be ignored, especially because they have implications for the current conflict. Citizens feel varying degrees of responsibility for the war which saw our land invaded, especially because many of us were not e-born yet. I cannot change the past, at least during my first term, but I will work towards the best present and future.

We are blessed with some truly outstanding allies in this Great War. Recall Canada’s continued efforts to halt Hungarian military movements and Norway’s recent incursion into Murmansk. For those needing more quantifiable measures, the nations of Romania and Spain have each dealt more damage to Russia and her allies in the US-Russia aspect of the conflict.

I am not here today to explain why our allies are so great, however. What matters is that our government has done a good job keeping amicable relations with these allies, and I consider it extremely important that this continue.

If elected, I will strive for improved relationships with those states not counted among our allies. Our public perception in many nations is average at best. Take, for example, the opinion pieces in the Bosnian media calling the new MPP with the United States a “political takeover.” PEACE GC won a public relations victory with their ‘liberation’ of Germany, turning a potential ally over to ambiguous neutrality, mostly PEACE GC-aligned. Removing even one pawn from their global empire will make a difference, as it denies their powerful members blocking opportunities. Japan needs to be strengthened against Indonesia, and the nations of South America need to be taught the true nefariousness of their alliance.

Our policy of labeling a foreign power an “Enemy” and ceasing all foreign operations needs to be reevaluated. We can introduce and reinforce dissident factions in the PEACE power base, hopefully fueling revolution. To those of you who do not believe significant dissent exists in those countries, I invite you to visit some Serbian bars with me after hours. Even while struggling against their government, we can make friends amongst their populace. Even Sodom had a few righteous people.

I oppose political takeovers of small, neutral countries.

Once more, thank you, and I look forward to your support on election day.