Volume I. Issue II. Congressional Election Preview

Day 2,134, 16:43 Published in Canada Spain by TheZeroTheory

Day 2,134

This Issue's Theme Song

Looking for writers to help with the IPC Press! Send me a message or comment on the paper.

Inside this Issue

Congressional Election Watch!

Membership Increase

Signs of Imperial Impotence?

Congress Watch

Vote! Vote! Vote!

Don't forget to vote the IPC and for your local Congressman! This month we have a fantastic slate of candidates, of old and new blood.

Assorted by entry date
Joseph Quimby --- 10x in Congress. Current PP
Punisher 1389 --- 17x. Current VP. Former PP and founding member
Jax Taylor --- 0x. Last month's PP
Quimbie Muffins --- 6x. Former PP and a founding member
Joshur --- 1x
Nikkooter --- 0x
Lordjas -- 0x. Current SG
thisidisntaken 0x.
I-Bleed-Blue-93 2x.
TorrinTheGreat 1x.
M A X I M U S II 1x.

[ Edit ]
Due to recent news, http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-empire-strikes-back-pto-truth-revealed--2322164/1/20, this paper wholeheartedly condemns the PTO attempt by IBB. Therefore, the IPC Press endorses Joseph Quimby (who revealed the PTO), Punisher, Jax, Lordjas, and Quimbie Muffins.

Good luck candidates and may the force be with you all. o7

Remember, a vote for the IPC is a vote for...

On the March!

In other news our IPC membership has grown to 51, up from our 42 mark less than a month ago. Continue invading and keep using mind-tricks!

Imperial Force Impotence?

The Imperial Force (IPF), the official military unit of the IPC, has only 10 out of 51 members within it’s own military. That’s 19.6% and a poor retention rate. At last count there were 9 members without a unit. What needs to be done or is this a minor issue for our Party?

[ Editorial ]
The IPC is fortunate to have this wealth of experience. As Spokesman I am delighted to see multiple newer candidates, in terms of time in office and party membership. As our Party moves forward, how do we balance the older and newer players?

While wonderful as would be to have two or three highly experienced Congressmen in office, I support the notion that we have at least one new(er) candidate paired with a more accomplished one. We can keep and train our newer representatives to become efficient ambassadors of the IPC and Canada. Protect the present while investing in the future.

For the glory of the Empire!

Alpha Stages of our new Death Star