VICTORY IN LIAONING! And Spain is the shiz. ***UPDATED***

Day 761, 19:37 Published in USA USA by PigInZen

From the Office of the Vice President


Iran has lost three of its remaining occupied regions in Asia. One pillar of the PHOENIX oppression of China and North Korea has been removed. Onward!

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First Steps - SUCCESS!

Epic damage dealt: 25 minutes before the close of the battle in Liaoning the wall stood at over 720k. 25 minutes later it was a mound of rubble; the US and her allies dropped over 1 million damage in about 15 minutes' time. It was like opening a can of whoop ass unlike no other. We had record turnout in the IRC channels for the second night in a row and it was obvious by the time the USMC hit the wall that there was no way the Iranians and assorted enablers (Russians and many other PHOENIX tanks) would be able to make the wall stand.

Send a Message - a BIG ONE

PHOENIX knows they're in trouble. Our position in Asia means the end for the PHOENIX's occupation of high regions at the expense of less powerful nations. Liaoning was just the first major battle of this campaign. We, with the help of our allies, sent a message to PHOENIX tonight: the US will prevail. This is who we are. We don't stop, we don't quit. When you knock us down we come back with more ferocity. When you pound our friends in unfair fights we grab the brass knuckles. PHOENIX, get ready for it; we're going to drop a bomb on your collective asses. A bomb that will change the eRepublik world forever.


During Emerick's Presidency when the US was nearly completely occupied by Russia, Indonesia, Hungary and Portugal we were broke. I mean we had like 38 gold in the Treasury, a broken economy, rampant unemployment and no way to think about getting the kinds of gold needed to turn things around. Spain loaned us 1800 gold. Spain has ALWAYS been there for the US and was there again tonight in Liaoning in spades. Much more than meets the eye of the casual observer, I assure you. This is my personal thank you to Durruti and the rest of the Spanish leaders. I love Spain. Mucho amor a tí!

E Pluribus Unum. From Many, One.

ONE MORE TIME: Together we have strength beyond measure. Do your part. Follow DoD orders. Fight with weapons. Maintain your wellness. SUPPORT THE CAUSE.