Vežbe za vrat 3 [Neck Exercises 3]

Day 2,721, 14:18 Published in Serbia Serbia by John Milojevich

[English version bellow]


Drago mi je da želite da se brinete o svom vratu.
Bilo da imate bol u vratu, napetost, stres ili nelagodnost, ova vežba pomaže. Napravite mala podešavanja u dnevnom rasporedu i svaki dan ukljucite ove vežbe istezanja i treninga i sigurno se poboljšava zdravlje vašeg vrata i kvalitet života.

Zapamtite, cak 10 odsto stanovništva pati od bolova u vratu u bilo kom trenutku. Mnogi od vas, bol u vratu mogu rešiti ovom jednostavnom vežbom dizajniranom da opušta mišice i ligamente u vratu.

Sedite uspravno, i oborite glavu na levo, polako, kao da pokušavate da dodirnete rame uhom. Držite poziciju deset sekundi, a zatim se vratite nazad u normalan položaj. Ponovite istu vežbu samo na desnu stranu i pratite rutinu koliko bude bilo potrebno.

Hajde da pocnemo !

Hello and welcome to neck exercises. I am glad you want to take care of your neck. Whether you have neck pain, tension, stress or discomfort, neck exercises can help. Making small adjustments each day to include neck exercises, stretch exercises, or a neck workout, will gradually improve your neck health and quality of life.

Remember, as much as 10 percent of the population suffers from a pain in the neck at any one time. Most neck pain can be resolved with this simple exercise designed to relax the ligaments and muscles in the neck.

Sit upright, and tilt your head to the left slowly, as if you are trying to touch your shoulder with your ear. Hold the position for a ten second and then return back to the normal position. Repeat the same exercise on the other side and follow the routine till necessary.

Let's get started!

Nadam se da vas vrat više ne boli 😉

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