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Day 1,990, 18:01 Published in South Africa Canada by Cody Caine

Not this month
After much discussion, my campaign for CP will not continue this month. In the interest of National Security to combat the threat of the Radical Thought Party, and the shady actions they have taken part in over the course of the last two weeks, and talks with Ejdatful, I chose to resign from the race, and asked Sora to shift the party endorsement to Ejdatful. If not for the threat of RTP cheating the election, I would happily have continued my campaign.
RTP killing Democracy
Oh I know, they will comment after the first segment, and more so after the title of this one, but they can shove it. The Fact is RTPers you are the threat to the nation now, and the game proves it, your party has lost membership from multis being banned over the last two weeks, your congress seats are from cheating, the vote reduction proves it. You are cheaters, you are liars, and you will be handled the way a threat must be, with extreme prejudice. You chose your cheating, threatening path, now accept the consequences of it.
See you in June
My campaign maybe over this month, but I promise you this, I'll be back in June, more committed than ever to pushing for the presidency and pushing for the best for South Africa, and pushing for the government to be accountable, and honorable.

New Logo for SAGP
The South African Gold Party has a new logo, which can be seen in the image before this segment and in full size right here:

A New Logo for a New Era, I hope SAGP members love it, cuz I put effort into making it.

Your Semi-Reluctant Speaker of Congress
-I would have voted Seisan, but I missed the vote-