Update: Why are the French Retreating?

Day 3,026, 22:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by certacito


You may have noticed that the French occupation forces appear to be retreating at present...

Bearing in mind that Congress decided to vote NO to the proposed 'Rental' agreement, this may appear a little puzzling to some.

The French Government (led by the very capable PolyMax) published an update to the French population in their Journal Official two days ago which explains the situation. This article in full is at Your text to link here...

For those who do not have GCSE French, a translation can be viewed at Your text to link here...

The section referring to the eUK reads:

>> Treaty France / UK

Since the beginning of the mandate several negotiations were held with the UK in order to find an agreement to maintain our occupation there peacefully.
We have therefore proposed an initial agreement which is summarized by:
- Leave the UK the London regions, East of England, South West of England, West Midland, Scotland and Northern Ireland (= 30% Food / weps 30% / 20% house)
- Make 100% of the taxes collected with their territory.
- Pay rent to the UK up to 100k per month cc (60k finncés 40k by the state and by the AI).
Their Govt refused and we got to another proposal, my faith less advantageous for us, which is summarized by:
- Leave the UK the London regions, East of England, South East of England, East Midlands, Scotland and Northern Ireland (= 40% Food / weps 40% / 20% house).
- Make 100% of the taxes collected on their territory.
- Pay rent to the UK up to 45k cc per month.
The French Congress was not very hot for this new treaty that would waste a weapon bonus (saltpeter in the East Midland), and a referendum in the UK showed a landslide victory of the NO.
So negotiations are on stand by, I think they resume after the next presidential elections. And probably after a reset because the regions will be confronted with the problem of the determination.

So - what we are seeing currently is not a massive capitulation, but merely a quick reset of the determination in those regions where it is getting a bit on the high side! We han expect to see France re-occupying these regions as soon as the reset is complete!