Training War Update - Day 709

Day 709, 14:04 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Vlada Ceske Republiky

A new Training Battle has started. Enjoy the opportunity to raise your XP and Wellness. If you shouldn't be able to fight due to low wellness (=below 40), let us know so that we can raise your wellness with gifts.

The next Training Battle will not start on Saturday as it was scheduled to. It will start on Sunday at about 12:00 server time instead. We are doing this to synchronize the three Training Wars. The two other TWs are
- Latvia vs. Lithuania
- Philippines vs. Malaysia

These two TWs changed their schedule by one day. The SOL wargames (Philippines vs. Malaysia) are now overlapping in time with our TW, and since many countries participating in our TW also participate in the SOL TW, we will leave one day out to synchro both TWs so those countries can make full use of both TWs.

Thank you for your understanding.


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