Tough luck... *argh*

Day 867, 17:33 Published in Israel Israel by baglamas


eRepublik and RL... RL and eRepublik.... the eternal question!
All of you will say that RL is more important. I'll agree with u! Therefore i need to get less active for like two months because of the fact that i have to read my eyes out for some exams. I'll still login at least once a day, but i won't be that active in IRC, forum etc.
I'll still care about eIsrael and I'll still do my best serving it in the limited time i'll spend on the game. So, u can still send PMs etc. Be sure that u'll get an answer... if my eyes and brain are still working, ie...

See u later guys! i got some

PS. Some people have already started writing epic poems... it all started when he realized that this article is awesome and he's voting it whether he wants it or not.